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Strength   5X
Agility   5D
Intellect   3X
Willpower   6D

Edge:   1
Hand:   3 (17)

Calling:   Outcast

Hindrance:   Phobic (Bright Lights)

Personality:   Quiet, shy, hates crowds, dirty all the time, likes damp, cool, dark places

Escape Artistry

Duplication   15
   If any part of Worm's body (the size of a finger or bigger, including his head) is severed, that part will become a duplicate of Worm after one exchange (the process completes the following exchange as a contingent action).
   Stunt: Immortality (each duplicate is another Worm and therefore he cannot die as long as another one of him is alive)
Regeneration   20
   (This includes severed body parts that have become new Worms. Worm will regrow the part that has become a new him.)
Digging   11
   Stunt: Direction Sense, Earth Consumption
Teeth   +1

It is not known who Worm once was or how he got his abilities. It is assumed that he was a subject of some cruel and strange experiment involving worms. However he came to be, Worm made his way into the sewers of New York City and has lived there since. He has befriended another resident of the sewers known as The Beggar King. Together they patrol the underbelly of New York protecting their "kingdom" from upworld interlopers and other threats like The Griz.