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Strength   7C
Agility   8D
Intellect   18D
Willpower   12D

Edge:   3
Hand:   5 (30)

Calling:   Mentor

Hindrance:   Blind (His powers compensate for this handicap.)

Personality:   Stern, taciturn, harsh taskmaster when training someone, yet brave, generous, willing to sacrifice his life for others

Quarterstaff, Martial Arts Weapons
Martial Arts
First Aid

Danger Sense   18
Enhanced Taste, Touch, Smell, and Hearing   14
Telepathy   8
Life Drain   14
   Affects any living thing in a 30 foot radius
   Limit: Stick must "link up" with another member of his martial arts group to use this power
   Limit: After draining more than 280 points of life energy, Stick will explode as a contingent action. If less than 280 points are drained, Stick and his comrade must make a Daunting (16) Strength action or fall unconscious for an aura duration.
   Limit: Stick can do nothing else while using this power.

Quarterstaff   +3
   Stunt: Stick was so good with his quarterstaff that he can deflect missile such as arrows and shurikens as if it was one level less difficult.