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Strength   22X
Agility   1X
Intellect   10D
Willpower   28X

Edge:   4
Hand:   6 (40)

Calling:   Universal Domination

Hindrances:   Dimensional Travel (If Shuma-Gorath "possesses" an individual as described below, he is considered to have Willpower intensity 1 in the dimension he's trying to invade (which will limit his magical abilities). For every 40 points of magical energy expended by Shuma-Gorath's host, Shuma-Gorath gains 1 point of Psyche. When his Psyche reaches intensity 15, Shuma-Gorath has enough mystical strength to pull himself into his target dimension, gaining full-strength abilities as listed below.), Banishment (If Shuma-Gorath is defeated in a particular dimension, he is barred from that particular dimension for several millennia.)

Personality:   Alien intelligence, monstrously evil, attacks whole dimensions trying to kill or enslave all citizens within, a Lord of Chaos, does not make intricate plans, uses its great power to force its way to its goals, loves to use its power


Magic   24
   Stunt: Dissipate Magic Energy (Shuma-Gorath can dissipate magical energy attacks, up to 24 points, as a defense)
Energy Control (All)   20
   Stunt: Dissipate Physical Energy (Shuma-Gorath can dissipate physical energy attacks, up to 20 points, as a defense)
Body Armor   +7
Phasing   22
Astral Projection   24
   Stunt: Limited Possession (While projecting, Shuma-Gorath can attempt to "possess" an individual. If successful, Shuma-Gorath can use Illusion, Dreamwarping, and Implant Memories on his victim at intensity 24. However, he cannot use Mind Control on his victim.)