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Scourge II
(Jack Monroe) The All-New, All-Different Scourge

Strength   10A
Agility   8A
Intellect   5X
Willpower   5D

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Demolisher/Peace of Mind

Personality:   Jack Monroe was coerced by nano-technology placed in his body to kill the Thunderbolts and spearhead a larger conspiracy to kill all superbeings, he could not dispute his orders but he could choose how to accomplish the agenda, now that he is freed, still a hero though a bit disgruntled

Swords, Boxing, Staves, Wrestling
Repair, Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Marksmanship


Body Armor   +4

  • Holographic Image Inducer   16
       Limit: Scourge can only alter personal appearance
  • Holographic Camouflage (Blending)   10
       Stunt: Camouflage Clothes
Battle Staff   +4
   (Material 12)
  • Separable into 2 smaller staves +2
       (He can make Multiple Attacks with these small staves, per the Game Book's rules)
  • Light (Blinding) Blast   14
  • Energy Blast   14
Helmet   +4
  • Power Blast   16
  • Ice Control   10
       Stunt: Ice Shrapnel
  • Vibro-Blast   12
  • Quill Volley   +4
  • Fire Control   14
  • Plant Control   15
  • Holographic Communication Device
  • Hard Air Molecules   15
       Produced by the mutant Colin Hume (Windshear from Alpha Flight), this "solid air" was stored and its shelf-life was extended. It can be shaped into any object (most notably a bullet) or it can be used to Ensnare opponents.
  • Pym Particles (Shrinking)   12
       Scourge can cover any object or person with these particles, shrinking them. He can also do the reverse and resize them by withdrawing the particles.
       Besides his weapons, Scourge uses these Pym Particles to store other devices, such as a Scanner 15 and Welding Tools.
  • Leaping (Springs)   6
  • Elongation   12
       Stunt: Kick
(Captain America's) Shield   +15
   (Material 25)
   Can attack as +5

Sword   +4

Bat Glider
   (Material 13)
   Armor   0
   Speed   4
   Control   12

Most likely, Scourge has other weapons and devices on his person. Attached to his uniform are gold and purple discs, corresponding to Nomad's Stun Discs and Wizards's Anti-Gravity Discs. Here are stats for them:
Stun Discs   10
Anti-Gravity Discs   5
   (These discs must adhere to a victim to work. The adhesive is intensity 16)

I encourage Narrators to add other gadgets to Scourge's arsenal. I recommend weapons and devices related to obscure and gimmicky villains, like Boomerang, etc.