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Rancor and the NineRazorback
(Buford Hollis)

Strength   9D
Agility   4D
Intellect   6D
Willpower   4X

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Adventurer

Personality:   Ace truck driver and CB radio operator, inspired by Spider-Man to fight crime, at first seems incompetent but he is a capable crimefighter, has become a starship test pilot and explorer for NASA

Martial Arts

"Unique Power" Intuitive Driving   12
   Hollis has the mutant ability to drive virtually any vehicle. When trying to operate a vehicle for the first time, treat his Intellect as intensity 12. This power also gives Razorback World-Class Piloting/Driving skills.

Electrified Mane   10
   (Hollis can electrify the mane of his costume, causing damage to anyone who touches it.)

Starblazer ("Big Pig III")
   Body 8, Speed 16, Control 14
   Big Pig III also has warp-drive capabilities. When engaged, Big Pig III can achieve speeds of intensity 24 (treat as Space Flight).