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Mr. JipMr. Jip

Strength   7X
Agility   3X
Intellect   6C
Willpower   12X

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Greed/Vengeance (Cloak and Dagger)

Hindrance:   Monstrous

Personality:   Long lived, plans carefully, extremely patient, schemes to increase his occult knowledge and to extend his life, condescending, coward at heart

Occult, Languages

Magic   12
   Unique Spells:
  • Physical/Psychic Bonds (Besides physically restraining an opponent, these also prevent mental travel like teleportation and astral projection.)
  • Usurp (This spell forces the spirit from the body, after which Jip can absorb the body. The victim must be unaware or they can resist the spell automatically. The victim must be evil or filled with "dark" energy for this spell to work. Otherwise, this spell works like the Life Drain power. As an additional stunt, if the spell fails at some point during the process, Jip can plant a suggestion into the victim using a form of Hypnosis.)
  • Enhancing/Bestowing Powers (Jip can give normal people powers up to 14 intensity or he can boost existing powers by 7 points.)

Yipyap   (Mr. Jip's magically created pet/spy)
Strength 2X
Agility 4X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 4X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)

Gestalt   2
   (Yipyap can split into two parts, each having one eye)
Flight   4
Evil Detection   18
Telepathic Link
   (Mr. Jip only, during which Yipyap can exchange what it learned with its master)