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Martian Manhunter

( J'onn J'onzz, John Jones, many others )


Strength:  24


Agility:  15


Intellect:  9


Willpower:  11


Edge 3 / Hand Size 5 ( I considered giving MM an edge of 4, considering his age and experience; add it if you think its appropriate )




Strength:  Sonic Slam


Agility:  Disguise


Intellect:  Computers, Criminology, Martian Lore


Willpower:  Leadership, Military, Observation, Tracking




Resistance +2 to Aging


Shapeshifting 20

-Size Alteration


Telepathy 15

-Life Detection, Mental Probe, Psychic Surgery, Sedation, Team Link


Mind Control 10



Phasing 15

-Partial Phasing, Phase Shift


Invisibility 13

-Invisibility to Machines


Energy Blast 16 ( "Martian Vision" )


Life Support 15 ( limit:  air only, 12 hours only )


Flight 17


Body Armor +5


Lightning Speed 12

-Mach Control, Power Slam


Calling:  Outcast ( note that MM is not really hated or feared; he just feels apart from others )


Hindrances:  Monstrous, Phobic ( fire ), Susceptible ( fire ), Triggered-Powerless ( fire; MM loses 1 intensity from all powers, strength, and agility each exchange that he is exposed to fire.  These return after an aura duration.  At the Narrators option, particularly large or intense fires may cause a greater reduction )


Personality:  silent, brooding; intimidating in his natural form; dedicated to the Justice League, considers it his child; mentor to inexperienced heroes; mourns the loss of his race; very knowledgable; knows more about human nature than most humans; seeks greater undarstanding  of humanity; ( as alternate identities ) almost any; Martian Manhunter has a huge number of identities, all fleshed out.