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Strength   4X
Agility   4X
Intellect   4C
Willpower   15A

Edge:   3
Hand:   5 (30)

Calling:   Protector

Personality:   Prefers an air of mystery about himself to confuse his enemies, sharp tongue, sarcastic manner, depressed sometime because he knows Camelot will fall and he knows he will be imprisoned by Nimue, knows fighting one's destiny is useless

Engineering, Occult
Mesmerism, Meditation, Mental Control, Resist Domination

Precognition   15
   Limit: Must make a Desperate (20) Precognition action to use succeed.
Magic   15
   Known Spells: Healing, Telekinesis, Eldritch Beam/Bolt, Hypnosis, Animal Control, Plant Control, Astral Projection, and others
   Unique Spell: "Imprisonment" -- Binds a person's body to a specific area. If the body is removed from the area, they will receive 15 points of disintegration damage each exchange. On the other hand, if the body remains in the area, they are will not age, becoming effectively immortal.