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(Brigid O'Reilly)

Strength   10X
Agility   4X
Intellect   3D
Willpower   4D

Edge:   1
Hand:   3 (17)

Calling:   Vengeance

Personality:   Absolutely ruthless vigilante, shows no mercy to criminals, particularly dedicated to killing corrupt police officers

None. Before her death at the hands of corrupt police officers, she possessed the Detective and Law Enforcement skills.

Claws   +2
Flight   4
Poison (Paralysis Gas)   9
   A cloud of this green gas surrounds Mayhem and everything in striking distance at all times. Anyone cut by Mayhem's claws or with an open wound, who is exposed to the gas, must make an Average (8) Strength action vs. the gas intensity or become PARALYZED for an aura duration.
   Stunt: Those affected by the gas can be forced to tell the truth, unless they make a Daunting (16) Willpower action vs. the gas intensity.
   Stunt: A strange effect of Mayhem's gas is that it dissolve's Dagger's Light Daggers.