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Dr. Karl Malus
Dr. Malus
Strength   5X
Agility   4X
Intellect   8A
Willpower   6X

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Greed

Personality:   Typical mad scientist, cares nothing for his subjects, chief goal is getting rich from his augmentation process, cowardly

Biology, Chemistry, Radiology, Super-Physiology


Malus is known for his "Augmentation Process" that enhances the strength of normal people:


  • STAGE ONE: (Initial Augmentation)
       The process bombards the subject's cells with radiation, enhancing them. At this point, the Narrator should check to see if the procedure is a success:
    • For normal humans, the success rate is 50% (draw a card, if it's a 5, 6, or 7, it's a success).
    • For mutated humans (including those already augmented by this process), the success rate is 40% (On a draw of 3, 4, 8, 9, or 10).
    • For mutants, the success rate is 65% (On a draw of 1, 3, 5, 6, or 7).
    • For aliens, the success rate is 50% (same as humans).
    If the experiment is a success, then draw a card for Strength and Agility each:
    • If the draw is 5, 6, or 7, then the ability is increased by +2.  (Minimum: 8, Maximum: 12)
    • If the draw is 1, 2, or 3, then the ability is increased by +4.  (Minimum: 10, Maximum: 14)
    • If the draw is 4, 8, or 9, then the ability is increased by +6.  (Minimum: 12, Maximum: 16)
    • If the draw is 10, then the ability is increased by +8.  (Minimum: 14, Maximum: 18)
    If it's a failure, still draw a card for Strength and Agility each, but for each increase in Strength, reduce Intellect, and for each increase in Agility, reduce Willpower. Failure is also generally accompanied by some form of gross mutation of the body.
  • STAGE TWO: (Fixing the Augmentation)
       For beneficial augmentations, this stage makes the changes permanent.
  • STAGE THREE: (Addiction)
       Should Malus choose, he can inject the subject with a highly addictive drug, which is used to keep control of the new superbeings. Characters gain the Addicted Hindrance.