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(David Charles Haller)Legion

Strength   3X
Agility   2X
Intellect   2X
Willpower   12X

Edge   1
Hand   3 (17)

Calling:   Protector-Jemail, Adventurer-Jack, Youthful Exuberance-Cyndi (and Demolisher when David regained to control of his mind and tried to kill Magneto)

Hindrance:   Transformative (Multiple Personality Disorder, apparently cured)

Personality:   Young, has the mind of a 10-year old, gentle, may "explode" into other personalities at any time then return to quietness, due to a traumatic event in his childhood, David's mind was splintered into three distinct personalities: Jemail Karami (used to be a terrorist, now is caring and loving, is working to help David), Jack Wayne (swaggering, robust adventurer, attempting to dominate David's entire psyche), and Cyndi (snide, temperamental, rebellious, teenage girl), presently David seems to have regained control of himself but now has a single-minded desire to kill Magneto, who David perceived as the reason why Charles Xavier doesn't love David


While suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder, each personality controlled an aspect of David's power. David's own personality has no power.

  • (Jemail Karami) Telepathy   16
       Stunt: Psychic Blast
  • (Jack Wayne) Telekinesis   14
       Stunt: Flight, Force Field
  • (Cyndi) Pyrokinesis (Fire Control)   11
       Heat Control
After regaining control of his mind, David exhibited all these powers and more, including:
Time Travel   23
   Stunts: Passengers, Time Tracking

It is possible that David had other powers at his command during this time. He did manifest a Psychic Weapon, using his Telepathic abilities. It is also possible, at this time, that the intensity of all his powers were 23.