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Iron Monger
Iron Monger (Obadiah Stane)

Strength   14(5)X
Agility   10(3)X
Intellect   4D
Willpower   2D

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Greed

Hindrance:   The armor stands 9 feet tall and is over 4 tons in weight. Iron Monger dodges attacks as if he had an Agility of 8.

Personality:   Wants to win at any cost, turns every situation into a competition, he committed suicide because he lost to Tony Stark


Iron Monger Armor

  • Body Armor   12 (+6)
  • Magnetic Control   14
  • Life Support (Air)
       Limit: 2 hours only
  • Boot Jets (Flight)   10
       Stunt: Iron Monger can also use the jets as a flame weapon within Striking Distance.
  • Repulsors (Energy Blast)   16
  • Unibeam Laser   16
  • Computer Guidance
       An external computer grants anyone wearing the Iron Monger suit the Strength and Agility listed above. The computer can also help fight multiple opponents. Treat this as a Multiple Attacks stunt, like the stunt listed under Lightning Speed. If the computer link is severed, the Agility score is reduced to -4 than that of the wearer (minimum of 0).

NOTE: The stats in parentheses are those of Obadiah without the armor. He still retains his Intellect and Willpower, as well as his skills.