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(Isaac Christians)Gargoyle

Strength   11X
Agility   2X
Intellect   4X
Willpower   4D

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Responsibility of Power

Hindrance:   Monstrous

Personality:   Never intended on being anything more than mayor of Christianboro, quietly courageous, old-fashioned ideals


Body Armor   +4
Life Drain   14
   Limit: Touch only (Clothing and armor do not protect one from this attack)
   Isaac can control how much points he drains. Each time he uses this power, he must make a Challenging (12) Willpower action or his Edge reduces by 1 for an aura duration, but not his hand size.
Wings   4
Regeneration   14
   Stunts: Invulnerability to Aging and Disease, Re-grow Lost Limbs (this is accomplished over an extended period of time determined by the Narrator)
Bio-Mystical Life-force Bolts   15
   Limit: Each time he uses this power, he takes damage in the form of losing one card. He regains this health by his Regeneration ability.
Anti-Magic Force Field   17
   Limit: For each exchange used, Gargoyle loses one card in damage, which is regained through his healing abilities.