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Fenris Wolf
Fenris Wolf

Strength   20X
Agility   8X
Intellect   3X
Willpower   9X

Edge:   3
Hand:   5 (30)

Calling:   Demolisher

Hindrances:   Large Size (Treat his Agility as 2, when attacking him. Though he may overcome this hindrance by using his Size Alteration power.), Glepnir (A mystical bond that keeps Fenris restrained. It resists his attempts to break free and will respond to his shapeshifting and size alteration. It's made of 27 intensity material.)

Personality:   Bad temper, uncivil, if freed from its imprisonment would kill as many Asgardians as possible, dislikes Tyr and Loki


Shapeshifting   16
   Stunt: Size Alteration
Teeth   +8
Claws   +8