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Photo album # 1
Photo album # 2
Graduation pics
My Chillin Pics
Photo album # 3
The official Clark Sisters website

Wassup peeps, thanks for checking out my site. Here's a litte info about me. I am 22yrs old, will be 23 in Jan 2006 and I am a graduate of the class of 2001, and 2004 graduate of FDTC. I work at a local hospital in radiology now. I want to say hello to everyone from progressive church, my home church. I am a nice person to get along with and if you respect me, i'll respect you.I'm a fun, nice, chill, and a saved soul of Christ. I like to act crazy sometimes when i'm in the mood. I try to portray the image of an intelligent young man who is headed for the right direction and so far im on that straighward path... well thats all that i have to say about me for right now. If you wanna know more about me just email me or send me a instant message on AOL or YAHOO by the name of COOLKEITHKTH. Peace out...ONE!!! *REMEMBA TO ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST! Be sure to visit my PHOTO ALBUM at the link above!!! and PLEEAASEEE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK AND LET ME KNOW WHAT U THINK......PEACE OUT!!! *THE SONG THAT IS PLAYING IS A SONG THAT I WROTE CALLED " OH LORD MY REDEEMER"
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Rest in Peace Victims of New York City, Washington, and Pennsylvania.
