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Sunday, May 11, 2003
Maroochydore, Australia

Our team has made it to the Sunshine Coast. Today is sunny and gorgeous! Word! You probably already know that we've seen dreary weather throughout our stay in Australia so this is really a welcome change.

Yesterday was mostly a day off for us. I went to the Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin's zoo). That place is so cool! We got to feed, pet and hug kangaroos, watch saltwater crocodiles being fed, pat koalas, I held a python... Thomas got knocked down by a kangaroo. It was a fun day. One story I feel the need to share: I was by myself watching the koalas. So peaceful and cute. Suddenly one of the workers jumped up and yelled, "Uh, Sir... I'm going to have to ask you to step back over the fence. We can't have people on that side with the wildlife..." I thought, Oh how stupid! What kind of person jumps over the fence at a zoo?! Ahem, when I looked over I was like, Oh dear God. It was Thomas, my teammate. I just acted like I didn't know him. Later I just about died laughing about it though!

After what already could have been called a full day I was told to make my self pretty because the guys were doing something special for dinner and the girls were to dress up. Aww. I wore the frilliest, flowery not-Jacinda style dress. kid you not! Yet again: fun.

Last week the team split up a bit to work on different things for the base here, and also do ministry at a high school in Noosa, about a half hour or so from here. Dave, Leo, Liz, Becka, Monique, Zach, Ryan and Katie spent three days there with the "Milo Man" and his double-decker bus. I'm not sure what exactly they did, but I hear it went well.

The rest of us did a little bit of everything. One day I helped with computer stuff, the next day I helped paint skateboard ramps with Thomas and Martin. Friday night our whole team "worked" a punk concert held at a church in Noosa. The Milo Man and his huge bus made an appearence and we drank as much Milo as our tummies could handle.

Earlier in the week half the team went to Mooloolaba and the other half went to the skatepark on the beach for worship and intercession. A lot of the ministry at this base is still in the early stages of development, so most of what we've been doing is helping with prep stuff and praying for them and the local area.

I need to grab lunch but I'll try to get online later to add more. By the way, sorry the pics haven't gotten up yet. I may have to wait until Denver but I'll make a nice online photo album you all can check out. :)

see ya...

much love,


One simple request: PLEASE do not send ANY forward, chain letter, quote/joke/inspiration of the day emails. NONE. At all. No matter how cute or touching it is. For real. This goes for any and all email addresses I have. I haven't got the time to spend deleting all the junk and non-personal email that collects in my boxes. Thank you for understanding and respecting this!

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