G a t e w a y



News on Japan

Japanese Dictionary

The New Republic

Webster's Dictionary

Rutgers University





The Confederate State of Mind: This paper examines the political culture of the American South. After looking at the theoretical basis of the culture with the three themes of racism, religion and rebellion, empirical and anecdotal evidence is shown through the historical flow of political change. The one-party Democratic system, the realignment of the 20th century and the rogue presidential campaigns of Strom Thurmond and George Wallace are also dissected and scrutinized from a cultural standpoint.

The Politics of Deception: When Governor Bill Clinton campaigned for the presidency in 1992, health care reform was at the top of his domestic agenda and the country was demanding health care reform. Between the presidential election of 1992 and the congressional election of 1994, the public turned against the idea. This was seen in the news coverage of the issue and the change of the main issues. The concentration went from the problem of the uninsured and the cost of coverage to the potentially high taxes and government control over hospitals and doctors. The special interest involvement in altering public opinion is the subject of this paper.


Population Control in China: An analytical look at the problems of policy versus tradition in China’s implementation of a population control policy.  Worldwide reactions are included, in addition to a comparative look at the United States, Japan and India. 





R e s o u r c e s


The Insider: Dr. Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist at the World Bank, gives a critique of the IMF.

Virtual Economy Modeling: Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) Virtual Economy Model, for macroeconomic modeling of monetary and fiscal policy in the economy of the United Kingdom. 


Global Trade: Talks and definitions of unilateralism, multilateralism, and bilateralism and their role in international economics.

Library of Economics and Liberty: For all your economic definition needs.

Public Economics Lectures: Graduate course lectures from the London School of Economics.





Invisible Man: A July 2002 article on Governor Howard Dean (D-VT) and his prospects as a presidential candidate in 2004. 

Corporate Irresponsiblity: Articles on President Bush and the recent corporate scandals.




Clash of Civilizations: The famous and feared original article from Foreign Affairs.

The Pitfalls of Universal Jurisdiction: Henry Kissinger on the international courts. 

An Interview with Henry Kissinger: From August 2001.




The Cato Institute: Free-market and libertarian speeches on politics and government in America. 

The Economist: Executive dialogues on business in the global market. 

C-SPAN: Providing public affairs content as a public service.  Available online with a real media player. 

The Trial of Henry Kissinger: Multiple interviews on and with the subject. 

Bill Hartman as Ronald Reagan: An old SNL audio track. 




Black and White: Interracial dating between black women and white men in America.








Security Articles: Arms control and issues relating to security in the Asian theatre. 

China in 1999: Two articles and one map showing Chinese relations with the US and it’s neighbors as of 1999.

Against Containing China: An article by Joseph Nye.

India & China: The two rising powers in the Asian balance.

Strategic Asia: Introduction, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, South Asia: Hundreds of pages of analysis of Asian security from Pakistan to Japan, updated for 2002.




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