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Hypnotize The Moon

Note: This site is under construction.

Welcome to Hynotize The Moon, a wrestling fan fiction archive website. When this site is completed, it will be the home to all my fan fics, as well as submissions from other authors. You'll also have access to a semi-regular column from me and a few other original things.

"If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you back again."
"Eddie was a man of faith. I know he's in a better place right now. I know he'll never feel any pain again. But selfishly, I miss him and I want him back here with us."

In Memory of Eduardo Gory Guerrero
October 9, 1967 - November 13, 2005
You'll always be in our hearts.

days until this site officially opens!