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Monday, 13 December 2004
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: *GeTTiNg.AwAy.WiTh.MuRdEr* ~PaPa*RoAcH~
Well, I worked *9* days in a row, had *1* day off, then work *4* more days in a row, and get *2* days off. I*m so sick of work I could puke on myself!

In other news, got MOST of Katlyn*s XMAS shopping done {ok.ok. it*s on LaYaWaY, but I*ll get it out the 16th} Still have a few things I still want 2 get her, mainly clothes, already got some toy~type stuff...a Little*Touch LeapPad, Aquadoodle Mat, Light&Sound Kitchen, fairy tale storybook, music set, some Sesame Street ball thing that bounces around & makes a *LOT* of noise!! haha Still undecided as to ~WhAt.eLsE~ I want to get!

My boyfriend is MuCh harder 2 shop 4, but then again guyz are harder 2 shop 4 than girls no matter what. I know he likes PS2, and duck hunting, and **! but that DoEs NoT help in the ~buying him Christmas presents~ department! O well, I*ll get it figured out. Me & Mollie are going to the mall Saturday, so SuReLy I can find SoMeThInG then....Let*s hope so anywayz!!

That*s enuf of my ramblings for now! L8TR!


Posted by stars5/toshasalad at 12:40 PM EST
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Sunday, 28 November 2004
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: *BrOkEn*~SeeThEr w/AmY*Lee
Well, today is Sunday, and I hate Sundays. Perhaps u wonder y...most likely u don*t. But I*ll tell u anyways. My boyfriend works out of state 4 the railroad, and he comes home on Thursday nites, and leaves again on Sunday nites~since his job site is like *3* hrs away. And no matter HoW HaRd I try not 2 be bummed that he*s leaving I still feel like crying...& most of the time I do! I never used 2 be a sissy crybaby, so y am I know?!?! Some would say it*s bc I*m truly *IN LOVE* and that*s the reason y. I guess they*re rite. Well, now all I have 2 do is hang tuff til Thursday...Wish me Luck!
Much Respect~ ToShA

Posted by stars5/toshasalad at 8:25 PM EST
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