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ToShA*s~MuNdAnE~ThOuGhTs — Profile

Name:  ToShA.sUe.WiSe
E-mail: *
Location:  CeNtRaLiA, *IL*
Birthday:  17 June, 1982
Bio:  I*m a ~22~year~old *single*MoMMy* to an aLmOsT ~21~month~old BeAuTiFuL little girl, *~kAtLyn~*. She is the light of my life, and is an AbSoLuTe joy to my heart. I have a WoNdErFuL boyfriend of aLmOsT *5* months, who treats me with more LoVe and ReSpEcT than I have ever received in my LiFe. I plan on *marrying* him, spending the REST of my LiFe with him, and having BaBiEs with him! *~DaViD~* I LoVe YoU! I work more than *40* hours a week at a very stressful challenging job. I work with a DD population, the majority having mental retardation ranging from mild to severe. We supervise, teach them life skills, break up fights, do activities , along with anything else that*s thrown in the mix!! I live ~on my own~ with my daughter, and my boyfriend is home on weekends, but I see more of my ~workplace~ than my home, which sux most of the time, but I deal with it!
Interests:  ~*MUSIC*~ >LiNkIn.PaRk ~ *MiKe*ShInOdA* >ChRiStiNa.AgUiLeRa ~ *XTINA* >DJ.IrEnE, DJ.BaByAnnE, ATB, *AnYtHiNg* TECHNO >Do.Or.DiE, TwIsTa, 8~BaLL.MJG, *aLmOSt~aLL* rap >StOrY.oF.tHe.YeAr, AFI, LoSt.PrOpHeTs, HooBaStAnK, YeLLoWcArD ~*CLUBS*~ >ThE.OZ ~Sauget,IL~ ~*SCRAPBOOKING*~ >I*ve made them for friends & family, one 4 myself, right now I*m working on one for *kAtLyN* ~*FRIENDS*~ >MoLLiE.rOy >DaNNy.BeTh >JaImE.kYle >KrIsTy.FrEd >BrAnDoN >BiG.DaD >VaLeRiE >PhiLLiP >there*s a ~FEW~ more, but not enuf room!
Blog Created:  Sunday, 28 November 2004
Last Updated:  Monday, 13 December 2004 - 12:40 PM EST
Blog Entries:  2

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