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Mel's World

Welcome to Rainbowland

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5-24 It has been awhile since I updated thisso I updated My Info,as you can see, this page, and a whole lot more so make sure to check it all out.

3-4 I'm changing the layout a bit for the month..might keep it til may don't know yet.. hope you enjoy it :)

1-26 UPDATE I deleted friends pics and mine and moved them to an actual photo album this link will be only placed on this page thank you!

1-25 I added some more pictures of me that were taken today (1-25) Also, added a friend's picture page with one new picture added. For more updates, stay alert haha!

1-22 It is due for an update.. I added two new pages and a new poem and a bunch of other things so take a look around.

11-16 I added the page Phrases also added more images to every page! more to come: doll page,fairy page,a cursor, doll requests!

11-14 Well the site was due for an update..added a new song,new shut outs,new poetry, and some new stuff to this page as you can probably tell, it is fairy style!

Somewhere over the Rainbow


My Info
Song of the Week
Funny Convos
My Poetry
Shout Outs
Fire Works(turn your volume up for full feeling)
Fairy Addict
