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Murder Mystery Week



Alex Pino- Theovass

Bridgette Jones-Leia Tulip

Cat Martin- Anne Weaver

Dr. Papaioannou & Mrs. Papaioannou- Emperor Gregory and Empress Zoe

Gabriel Maricich- King Edward Routledge

Noelle Hughes Lady Mary

Jamie Parker- Jaeda Scott

Jessica Jaeger - Princess Grace Routledge

Jimmy Kane-Alchemis Lambrino

Joe Carignan- Calvin Smith

Joelle Marston- Rose the Candle Maker

John Scanlon-Haer’Dalis

John Templon-Lord Alec Goodwin,

Jon Hartrey- King Robert II

Joseph Eannello- Lord Theodore Jameson

Kat Rheault - Alisha MacMillan

Kate Guyol- Isabella Brown

Katherine Mierzwa- Pamela the Baker

Katie Cavan- Vicky Painter

Katie Churn Alisha de Courtenay

Kevin Voss- Gregor McFerrin/ Executioner

Mary Hay- Lady Arabella

Michelle Denyer- Deneb Marie Seymour

Patrick Brown- Barron Fletcher

Phill Weldon- Bennett Prior

Robert Hay- Archibald Miner

Ryan Mascio- Lord Geoff Chalteir

Sarah Hall- Princess Faith Routledge

Sarah Insley- Charlotte scholar

Sarah Moore- Sophy Seamstress

Shamit Chaki-Alexander the Knight

Stephanie Parsons- Caroline Nelson

Veronica Jaeger- Natalia Minstrel

Once upon a time in a land very far away, there were two well-known Kings. King Edward ruled peacefully over his great land. His people loved him and there was always much celebration going on. In a land near King Edward's, King Robert II was the supreme ruler. He was not as kind as King Edward and was but a step away from being a tyrant. Both kings knew about each other but never had any problems until Robert’s close family friends, the Seymour’s, succumbed an unknown disease. King Robert II exploited all of his resources, trying to find a cure for their condition. No one in his land knew a cure, but an alchemist – a famous oracle in those lands – suggested to search for the great Altair. The alchemist proceeded to tell King Robert II how to find Altair, which could only be done by reading the answer to this riddle under the first quarter moon cycle.

I am the alpha in the summer triangle

I seek no one, but the gamma and the beta,

Through the eagle who soars and sees

We are but three, yet it is I whom you seek

Name us all and I will come to thee…

Robert pondered the answer and decided to search high and low throughout his lands. In the meantime he had everyone thinking of answers to the riddle, from scholars to peasants. One night in a dream, he had a vision that who he thought was Altair was living in the land of King Edward. King Robert woke up and went as fast as he could to King Edwards land. King Edward listened to Robert, but assured him that he had never heard of Altair, and that this person did not live in his kingdom. Edward would not help him. But Robert was not pleased with Edward’s decision, thus he returned to his land, and his dreams continued…

What will he do, where will he find Altair, will the disease spread, will the two kindoms go to war, who will you be, what will you do to help, or what will you do to make things worse?

E-mail the Alchemist at
to find out what your roll will be in this murder mystery week (medieval style) game.

Your helpful oracle,

Alchemist Lambrino

Murder Mystery Week Rules:

Just so that everyone is clear on the rules of the game, when it comes to someone being murdered:

1. You will be informed in some way, shape, or form that you are on someone’s hit list. Ex. This will probably be by email or piece of paper.

2. How do you get murdered, well you get tagged and you shall receive a murder certificate.

3. What do you do once you are murdered? First you must find the executioner and give them the certificate with your characters name on it. You are sworn to secrecy, you are no able to discuss with anyone who actually “murdered you”.

4. Even if you have been murdered, doesn’t mean that you’re not in the game anymore. You are spirits, be creative and come back and haunt those who you were suspicious of.

5. There are certain areas on campus where you cannot get murdered. These areas are the library, scholarly rooms (aka where your in class) or practice rooms (music rooms, studio etc.), when you are in class, Crough, Music School, Pangborn, Leahy, religious spaces, your own room, study bubbles, and at work. Any other place, this includes the Pryz, the RTR, hallways, off campus, murdering can occur.

6. Those who have been infected by the disease will be informed by the local doctor. After being infected you have 48hrs to try and find a cure, if not the doctor will come back and hand you a death certificate.

Rules when it comes to your character:

1. You will receive all the information about your character from the alchemist. You must “act in character” during this week around others whom are playing.

2. Be aware of your surroundings

3. If you are a double character, keep your double secret unless you are told to or you believe that, the other person is on your side.

4. Any information that you receive from the alchemist is to be kept to yourself, unless told otherwise. It’s your secret!

5. Be creative. I have already seen much initiative by players. The game really depends on what we all put into it.

6. Have fun!