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Hi im Bri-Anna and this is my web page. Before I talk about my family let me start off by telling you about myself. Well to start off Im 16 years old. I attend Southeast High School where I am a Junior. I am in a lot of stuff at school which includes; Stomp Team, Dance Line, Swim Team, BPA, ROTC, Drill Team, Youth for Christ, and Campus Impact Club. Though I have a busy schedual I still make time to read no matter what. I love to read. I go through about 3 books a week. Dont watch much T.V. but love American Idol, Soul Food, Will and Grace, Eve, and One on One. Well I can't think of anything else to say, but thanks for visiting my site and please come bace soon.

My favorite movies

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Sorority & Fraternity Page
Online Book Reviews
Online Book Club
My Pic Album
