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Nickname: Lili
Status: Single
B-day: 2/07/1988
Gender: Female

AIM: angellz27

Established on: 6/20/2005

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*NyC Asians*
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Fort Hamilton's ladiez and fella
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* 187 KReW * (Christa McAuliffe)
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A[Z]N FoRt HaMiLtOn
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New York City Asians
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I *Heart* yuMmie<333
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FHHS swim team
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Hey guyz...this is Lili.

You probably known me from xanga or not..lol..but I decided to start my own site.

What made me do it? I dont know..lol..just felt like it all of a sudden.


I am still working on my site right now..so it probably looks weird.

If you have any suggestions about my new site just aim or email me.

Anyway bye ya'll!<3

<bgsound src="http://www.angelfire.com:80/music6/kittenized/goon.wma" loop="infinite">