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Beth and Doug Get Married
Part 2


Once upon a time there were two people, Beth and Doug, who loved posing for pictures. They loved pictures so much that one day they decided to invite two friends to pose for pictures with them. Everybody couldn't be happier.


But suddenly something went wrong. The room got dark and gloomy. Everyone feared that they wouldn't be able to pose for any more pictures. It seemed their worst nightmare was coming true. Yes, it was none other than the Abominable Camera Monster attacking their camera. Would this be the last picture they ever take?!


With all the courage he could muster, Doug went into a deep trance and chased the Abominable Camera Monster away before it could do any more damage to their wonderful camera. Doug had saved the day and everybody was happy again. So happy that they posed for more pictures than they ever had before.


As a reward for his courageous act, Beth decided to marry Doug. She also baked a huge magic cake for everyone to enjoy. The cake was so big that she needed to use her motorized cake trolley to transport it to all her friends. After everyone took one bite of the magic cake the Abominable Camera Monster never attacked their camera ever again.