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What does sisterhood mean to a Phi Mu? It can mean many things to many people.
To the Provisional Member, Phi Mu is being accepted into a new circle of friendship with the personal guidance of upperclass women and adults to whom she can always turn for scholastic or other assistance.

To the Initiated Member, Phi Mu means true friends to return to each school year, a place where fun comes spontaneously, a place to find support and assistance, an opportunity for shaping goals, learning leadership skills, and sharing ideas.

To the Alumna Member, Phi Mu offers lifelong friendships that begin in college, a welcome hand from sisters found in each new community, a continuation of Phi Mu social life and service to others. Alumnae offer continuing service by providing the guidance vital to a successful collegiate chapter.

To the Parents of Collegiate Members, Phi Mu offers opportunities for their daughters to be associated with women having common goals and diverse backgrounds. Phi Mu also offers guidance and supervision by interested and concerned adults and programs that provide a positive influence for high scholastic, social and moral standards.

T-Shirt: $20
Dues: $50
Time off work: $75
Spending time with your sisters


"Sisterhood is many things. It's a warn smile on a cold and rainy day, a friendly hug, a cheerful hello... It's all that a good and lasting friendship is, only better. It's treasured. It's sacred. It's knowing that there will always be someone there for you. It's dreams shared, and goals achieved. It's counting on others and being counted on. It is real."