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A pansy shows you're in my thoughts
On this, your special day.
And fox-glove signifies the wishes
I'm sending along your way.
The flowers speak for me, you see,
In the time-honored, Victorian way.
My bouquet, while it might be lovely,
Has also got some things to say.
The jasmine wishes you a day full of joy,
And the crocus brings cheerfulness,
While the morning glory shows my affection,
And the forget-me-not, my remembrance.
I send you encouragement and beauty
With the golden rod and rose.
My kindness and faithfulness to you
The bluebells and violets show.
The periwinkle brings your way
A wish for sweet memories without end.
And the ivy, with her green and white leaves
Says our friendship will never end.



Come on in,
The party's waiting!
It's your special day
And we're celebrating!
We've gathered some friends,
And we're having some fun,
For we all love a good party
And we're throwing you one!
Look, everybody!
The guest of honor is here!
So bring out the good wishes,
And slice up the cheer!

Bonnie, The Petal Path wanted to help you celebrate your
special day and have sent their best wishes and gifts!
Click below to see them!

Be sure to view your guest book, too!




~Happy Birthday To You~
sung by Marianne and used with permission

Page created with best wishes by Anita


Poetry compliments of:

Guest Book courtesy of: