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read my every word
hey everyone. thanks for visiting my site. for newcomers... just lettin ya know... this is another new layout. version 9.0 BaYbEe! if you dont care... then what the hell you doin here bitch?! get the fuck out! haha... as for the rest of you...feel free to look around... click stuff... i derno, thats really up to you! anywhoz, just enjoy and save me as a favorite yeah?
get to know some
call me claup! im weird... im hyper... im the crazy person that i am... i live for chocolate... craziness... and most of all my sexy beb nick. =D ive been breathing in this world since october eighth of '87 yes thats right... im older than my beb by four days... so what?? gRr! i am about five feet, 3 inches, 117 lbs. yes thats right. im chunky. haha... i love bubble tea... i love chocolate and most importantly i love my beb. the three things i cant live without... thats all the information im planning to give out... but if youre just a nosey ass like i am... ask me k? GiGgLeS*

the scribble spot
.073003. ok people... lets see. to start off, i just made a new layout cuz im bored as fuck. haha. hope you enjoy it. i just simply drew my layout and uploaded it and played around with it, and presto! new layout for my site! is it just me or does it look like valentines day in here? haha... anyways, not much today. just missing my nick =( it will be a while til i see him again. summer sucks... gRr... ok thats it for now. keep posted k! this is pretty much where im writing all my updates so stop by again soon! GiGgLeS* oh and... check out my blog spot k? pWeEz? =D

my special words to you
hEyEe beb... i miss you! =( thinking bout summer makes me want to go back to the last... im glad i met you! =D who knew those chatrooms we went into would get us together. hehe... i never knew... thats for sure. id always tell you everything even before we knew each other completely. im glad i did... and im also glad i met you out of the internet. =D *trip* be careful next time youre walkin k? hehehehe... im always missing you everytime youre not around... not seeing you isnt really very easy for me. =( but... thinking back... its been worse for both of us. we both had messed up relationships before, and im really glad things worked out for us being together. and i know that it always will 0=) do you ever look back on our little huntington trip? i do! =D that was a very good day... although i didnt really get my "xmas present". i didnt really expect anything from you... i just knew we were both going to have a good time. i can never forget that day beb... the japanese garden... the rose garden... the bus ride... everything... =D youve given me so much good memories... and we have so much more to come... i love you beb...

geek countdown
remaining 20 days of summer vacation

morse tigers 2002-2003