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somewhere over the rainbow... RAINBOW BRITE her real name was wisp, but than she defeated "the evil one"dun dun dun lol well than she got the color belt she put it on and than she rescude the color kids howay now she is RAINBOW BRITE ruler of rainbow land oooooooh yea u go girl!!!!lol her sprite is twink and she has a horse named starlite.personaly i dont really like rainbow brite (the character i just love the show but i dont know why lol)


Red Butler=ok i really dont like this kid cause he thinks he is allthat and thinks he can do everything yea(which he cant) i dont really like him but he likes La La Orange alot i think thats why he shows off alot his sprite is romeo and his a charmer too and he owns The Red Region!!!me no like him lol.And other wise he can be a great times...

the little girly girl, madem frenchy u get it lol.she is a prankster is there to help rainbow if needed.she is in love with Red Butler and her sprites name is OJ get it lol and her lands is Orange medows!!lol i think she's ok not my fav!!tho i have her'girly personailty'

awwwwwwww look is Canary yellow she is adorble but NOW is my fav such a sweet heart i luv her! lol she acts kinda like me she is very kind hearted and cares about everyone else but not herself she is happy go lucky and every day is a happy day lol.her sprite is spark and she owns the yellow plains!!!

Yep its Patty O' Green the tomboyish girl who luuuuuuuuuuvs green everything around you(ex grass..) lol.she and buddy blue are said to have a thing and i belive it!!!she is happy go lucky and may be belive to be Irish i dont know,and is down to earth yay!!, her sprite is lucky and just like her lol and she owns the Green Grange

The reaguler jock my buddy Buddy Blue he is really kool i like him, he thinks out before when theres danger(unlike me)and LOOOOOOOOOOVES sports and he keeps his kool yep and him and patty O' Green might have a thing well i dont know lol well his sprite is champ and is just like him and his wonderful land is at the Blue Zone oooooh yea

dont let her shyness fool you i dont know why they called her shy violet but who knows she is actually the smartest one.when she is not saving the world with rainbow brite she might be reading a book or on the castle computer, her sprites name is IQ,same thing as her, and her land is violet Valley

the shyest one of the color kids she is very sweet hearted and keeps to herself Indigo is really good at plays which is really kool and loves to sing and i think thats awsome she is one of my favs her sprite is Hammy and is just like her (duh)and she owns Indigo Acres