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Starwave27's Lists of Collections

Hello and welcome to my collection of various stuffs. Webpage is still under construction so its simple at the moment. These are lists of my collection of games and movies. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO TRADE/SELL MY ORIGINAL GAMES & MOVIES! These are part of my "COLLECTIONS" as I am a collector as I collect these as a hobby. If you ask me to trade/sell whatever it is you're interested in, I will simply say "It's/They're not for trade or sale." If I am willing to trade/sell any of them, I will list them on my "AVAILABLE" list at Gamez Trading Zone. I created this page because too many people ask me to see my collection/lists or offer games/movies I already have. Also please don't ask me about if a game is good or not. I only played like 20% of my collection as I have been busy working full time ever since I've finished college a few years ago. But you can visit various websites (such as or for reviews.


NOTE: There are some CDR/DVDR titles in my PC Games & DVDs lists. If you are "sensative" about these, you can simply ignore them as they are for my "PERSONAL" collections. If you would like to view any lists, you'll need Microsoft Excel. But if you need plain text version, please e-mail me. I only made 3 html versions (PC games, VCDs/DVDs and game sdtks) as its too time consuming to cut and paste. Those three are the most requested. I use Excel to easily organize (use columns to categorize type, format, # of discs), alphabitize and color code my lists. Just request a plain text version and I will gladly e-mail you one. =) Please e-mail me if a link is broken. Thanks!

Last Updated: August 14, 2009

You need Microsoft Excel to view the lists.

Dreamcast Games List
Gameboy/Color/Advance/DS Games List
GameCube Games List
Neo Geo Pocket Color Games List
PC Games List
Playstation One Games List
Playstation 2 Games List
Playstation 3 Games List
Playstation Portable Games List
Nintendo 64 Games List
Wii Games List
XBox Games List
XBox 360 Games List
PC & Video Game Soundtracks List
DVDs List
Promotional Items (game related)
Animal Crossing E-Reader Cards WANTED