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History of the band (so far..)

Star*Like Collision started out as a 5 piece band in November 2002. Back then we had another lead singer/guitarist, but his ego got the best of him and he left the band, silver pants and all (and let me tell you, he was NO billy corgan). Although if you happen to meet and ask him what happened he will feed you lies (or scraps from gods table) and tell you we "forced" him out. Either way in February 2003 we became a 4 piece, and a much better band.

Since his departure, the 4 of us have been working hard these past few months. We have learned some new songs (about 12 originals and a few covers, no more covering in bacon) and playing shows.

So, you might be wondering how we came up with our name. Well, it was kinda by chance. First off, Justine and I have this strange facination for stars, thus the Star*Like part. The collision on the other hand, the way we saw it, was the 4 of us kinda collided together and a band was formed. Another reason why this one stuck was because it was the only name all 4 (or 5) of us could agree on.

Now, the biggest debate is what "style" of music we play. I personally like to tell people we are a rock band with a punk and alternative influence. However some people (not mentioning names) like to refer to us as "pop/punk". What I say is come see us at one of our shows, and called it what you want, its the best bet.

Finally, the future of the band...if I only knew. Right now we are trying to get some money and time together to record a demo, and other than that, just looking to play shows and have a good time.

Well, thanks for taking the time to read about us, hopefully this answered some questions. Hope to see you at our next show...


"Star*Like Collision....remember that name" Justine K, Shark Studios