Sarah's Castle

Hey, thank you for stopping by. This website is just a whole bunch of my thoughts...It's not complete or anything, it's just me writing what I feel. Don't look for insightful, meaningful things here; I'll update it when I feel like it, it's just here for me to write and express myself. Later, I'll put up pages about me, and my likes and dislikes and stuff, but don't count on that too soon, thanks for listening

One other note: All images (unless otherwise stated) do not (sadly) belong to me. They are just images that I have picked up somewhere along the journey of venturing through the internet. They interested me, and so I used them. I, unfortunately, do not remember where I got all of the images, but if one, or many is yours, contact me, and I will give you the credit and total awe that you deserve.

I'm sorry about the 'stack overflow' notice that pops up when you enter my site. I have no idea what that does, means, or how to change it, so just ignore it, and maybe it'll go away; that's my way of dealing with problems.

I thought I might have some better news, happier poems, but no. Sorry. Back to the misery theme. I'll be updating the rambling page and probably adding poems soon, but some memories are a little to raw to write about yet, so it might take me a little while.

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