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UmMmMm, Hi! My We'rE mIcHeLlE AnD SaRa! LiKE OuR BeAuTiFul PiCtUre? I KnOw yOu dOo! We ArE REAL! We ArEn't fAkErS! AnD We ArE SiStErS So iF yOur gOnNa sTeAl OuR PIcS You'lL hAve tWo mAd BiTcHeS aFTeR You! My aOl sCrEen NaMe Is: Imabarbiegirl247 AnD tHaT Is ThE oNlY ScReEn NaMe tHAt i hAVE! OkAy! sArA's ScReEn NaMe wIlL Be PuT Up sOoN! tAtA!

****OuR OtHEr SiTeS****

Michelle's Other Site
Sara's Otha Site
