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Tiff Romance

Hey kids,
I'm sorry to inform you, but you're a little slow. This site has been shut down. I don't really like this host, so I'm currently being hosted by my best friend Alex &
I know some of you might have been looking for the former __Pinky Designs__, but I shut that down as well. Those banners were made in paint. They're terrible. So I've combined my skills with a few other girls & thus Andrea Tiffany Designs was born. I still run that site, so go ahead & visit us. If you were looking for quizzes, I'm sorry that I don't have any up yet. I'll probably make some during the summer since I'm really busy now. Thanks for stopping by though.

Contact Me:

AIM: xMyFatalRomance
Yahoo: Pinksugar1990
Myspace: yourepullingthetrigger
Makeshift: mzxtiffany
Bloggary: click
Xanga: xp1nkpunkstarx

Sorry for the inconvience!
