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State Leadership Conference 2003

here's page 4 comin' at ya! ^_~

hmm.. arcadi looks a TAD too happi n that pic ^_~

aww.. they make such a kute couple!!!

some more lovin on the bed.. OH LA LA!!

those two sure are friendly wit each other :-D

more ppl waitin for X2 to start

nice fingers, thomas >_<

chill time wit the tv

and even more chill time wit the tv

and even more.. ha! well, wat else we gonna do???

ouch.. that sure looks painful >_<

jo, thomas, and lillian chillin in our room

hehe.. they look comfy ^-^

a couple of sleepyheads :-P

hehehe.. i love the look, lillian!! ^_~

part of HHS FBLA having a lil group discussion bout something

proud to be part of HHS FBLA, baby!!!!! *grins*

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