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"Here's Jesus!"
December 26, 2,007

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Segment 1

Linda- This is Speaker Linda Polley! It's December 26th, 2,007, and "Here's Jesus!" These segments were originally released August 20th and 21st, 2,003!

Linda- Nazarene, the last question was very interesting! But I was rather curious. What do You mean, You don't have contact with other dimensions, that only Demitrious and his people do?

Nazarene- Well, to put it bluntly, Alura, We simply don't give a damn! We don't care about stuff like that! It doesn't matter to Us! It doesn't interest The Kingdom Of God, whatsoever! All that interests Us is Our earthly charges and trying to keep everything in order and everything in line and everybody doing what they should be doing so enough of them survive that this world remains vital. And right now it's very, very difficult! So We don't go off into these other things with aliens from other worlds, and, aliens from other dimensions. We just don't get involved in it because We don't have time. We leave that to Demetrius and his people. They're very good at dealing with these things, and We aren't that good at it. So God has those do things that are best at it. So We let Demetrius and his people deal with these problems when they show themselves and they do it quite well! They are God's sting, they are God's dagger, they're God's pain in the butt if you want to call it! But they get it done and they deal with problems like this when they show up. And that leaves Us free to deal with the problems that We have to deal with, and, take care of Our people, and take care of the needs of Our people, that's why God has people like Demetrius and his kind around. Because they go out and do the hard things that ah, We don't particularly like to do!

Linda- Ha ha ha ha ha! You tell 'em, Nazarene! You know, I think You're right! The dark ones think pain in the butt is Demetrius' middle name! He's so good at fighting them!

Nazarene- Actually, Alura, I think that's kicking them!

Linda- We'll be back after the break!

Segment 2

Linda- Nazarene, why do You always say "God The Father? Do You bellieve that female aspects survived this great transition too?"

Nazarene- Well, Alura, to tell you the absolute truth, no, I don't! I believe that a single Entity survived The Great Transition, as you call it, that all the energy of all the other Souls that existed before then were put in a single Entity, and I beleive that that single Entity was male. That after He began creating life again, in this universe after the renewal of the universe He created female aspects to keep balance, but that the original Soul that survived, that came through and reestablished existence here in this universe was male, and was God The Father. That is what I believe, and that is a firm part of my belief, that God is The Father and everything generates from Him by some miraculous Source. And there is male and female, God created that, and We know the purpose of male and female, and that is very good, but I believe in God The Creator, that everything comes down from God The Father. And that is a fundamental part of my existence, a fundamental part of my belief! And I cannot stray from it. I know that you and Demetrius have other beliefs, but that is my belief, and I cannot change any aspect of that belief. I believe in one God and that God is The Father.

Linda- Good for You, Nazarene! And if anyone tries to take away Your belief, well, You know what should happen to them!

Nazarene- What's that joke Demetrius used to say? Anyone that tries to tamper with The Son Of God's beliefs better be wearing asbestos underwear, because they're going to need it!

Linda- We'll be back again!

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