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"Here's Jesus!"
October 17, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Segment 1

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's October 17th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, on October 10th New Hampshire, one of the places that legalized the sodomizing of God's children, was hit with record breaking rain from a tropical storm, a very unusual system.  Weather forecasters are saying that things are happening that have never been seen before!  Eleven inches of rain fell in New Hampshire in one day!  Did You not say that if The Kingdom Of God could It would send a hurricane into this area?  Wouldn't a hurricane be a tropical depression when it reached New Hampshire?  Did the Forces of The Kingdom Of God control this storm?

Nazarene-  Yes, yes, yes, and, yes, Alura!  The Kingdom Of God did control this storm.  The Kingdom Of God did what It said It would do!  And It will continue to do what It has said It will do.  We will continue to pound The United States until The United States begins to respond to The Will Of God.  As John Lennon said in his song man has atomic bombs, man has guns, man has weapons.  But The Kingdom Of God has Angelic Messengers, and They are invisible, They cannot be stopped, They can do anything!  And They will continue to do until God is listened to.  Man has his free will, but when man defies God, God has to answer!

Linda- Boy, Nazarene, people have been complaining that we can't predict anything. I don't think they can complain any more!

Nazarene- If they do they're fools, Alura!  If they do they're fools!

Linda-  We'll be back after the break!

Segment 2

Linda-  We're back!  Nazarene, You said that The Angelic Messengers used the recent earthquake in Asia in an attempt to destroy Bin Laden, that The Angelic Messengers tried to bring a mountain down on top of him!  How could The Angelic Messengers bring down a mountain?  I'm really curious about this, and I'm sure other people would be, also!

Nazarene- Well, actually, Alura, I have to admit, that it was not Angelic Messengers that performed this task, but creatures of Darkness, demons who have been working with Us because they do not want their food supply to become extinct!  They took on a form that was almost solid, and were able to move some boulders and cause a chain reaction during the earthquake that caused the side of a mountain to come down.  What The Angelic Messengers can do, and even creatures of Darkness when they have the power, is phenomenal, Alura!  But to have creatures of Darkness serve Us in ways like this, and attack those that they are working with on Our behalf, is just absolutely incredible!  These are strange times, Alura, these are VERY strange times!  But of course I have to acknowledge who does what, that would only be fair!

Linda- Whoa, Nazarene!  I can't stand those things!  The stench when they are around is just unbelievable!  That is why they can never get near us. We might not see them, but we can always smell them!  They can't hide that, not from us!

Nazarene-  That is why Demetrius won't have them around him, Alura, even in their human form.  He just can't stand the stench, even though other people can't smell it.

Linda-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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