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"Here's Jesus!"
May 16, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Segment 1

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's May 16th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, lately there have been a lot of people putting up dolls for auction on the EBay web site, claiming they are haunted.  What do You think of this? Are any of these dolls really haunted?

Nazarene-  Hmmmm! Let me put it this way, Alura, in my opinion anybody buying one of these dolls is stark raving mad!  This is one of the stupidest things that I ever heard of!  Of course material objects can be charged with a tremendous amount of negative energy, what you call making them haunted.  And they can cause all kinds of havoc.  And anyone willing to buy something that is charged with negative energy, and has already been known to cause misfortune and, grief, to me, has completely lost control of their senses, and really should be put away somewhere!  That's my opinion on this thing, Alura!

Linda-  Ha ha ha ha!  Nazarene, I have a feeling that the people bidding on these items ah, don't really believe that they would work, that they're going to be getting some type of novelty item.  Let us pray that nothing drastic happens to them!

Nazarene-  Let me put it this way, Alura, they're going to believe, in time, they're going to believe very, very much!

Linda-  We'll be back after the break!
Segment 2

Linda-  We're back!  Nazarene, the first pictures being used in our video portion this week are the illustrations from the Book that Demetrius wrote about his adventures with You back in Biblical times.  Some people say this book is a blasphemy, that we're trying to rewrite The Bible.  I would like Your opinion on this, and I would also like You to describe what is happening in the first picture, "Mary Forgives The Soldiers."

Nazarene-  I have said before, Alura, that Demetrius' Book has nothing to do with The Bible!  Your people, in Their Divine Kindness, have asked that my story be added to your Peoples' History.  And Demetrius has written that story down, and it is for your people, it is not for mine, it is not for Christianity, it is for The Children Of The Lords.  It is totally separate from The Bible, it has nothing to do with The Bible, whatsoever!  So it is not blasphemy.  It is just another version of my story for another People, and that's all there is to it!  And as to the first picture, as my Mother was entering into Bethlehem just before I was born, some Roman soldiers began to taunt and insult her.  And Demetrius' father, who was an officer in The Roman Army came along, rebuked them, and offered to have them punished.  But my mother, instead, said no, let them be forgiven, and let them go their way!  And this was a very kind act on her part, which the soldiers appreciated, and later Demetrius' father helped my mother and father escape from Herod, so that I would not be murdered along with the other innocent children.  This is what is being described in this picture.

Linda-  I thought that's what You'd say, Nazarene!  And thank You so much for allowing us to have Your Story in Our Peoples' History!

Nazarene-  The honor is mine, Alura!  The honor is most certainly mine!

Linda-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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