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"Here's Jesus!"
June 3, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Segment 1

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's June 3rd, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, Utah's attorney general has asked a court last week to freeze the assets of a trust fund of a polygamous sect of the Mormon church called The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because he suspects the church president and five other trustees of mismanaging their trust fund which controls church property, including members' homes and land.  They believe it holds one hundred million dollars!  They are also seeking the president and trustees' suspension.  What do You think of this?

Nazarene-  I believe, Alura, this is part of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young's efforts to purify their church on earth as it is in The Afterlife.  They are putting a tremendous amount of energy trying to expose corruption and lies in their church and bring their church back in line with the teachings of God.  It is difficult, the corruption of the living is so much and so hard to overcome!  But these two servants of God are trying very hard to overcome this evil, and purify their church, and get decent and honest leaders into every segment of it, so that the church will reflect its power that it has in The Afterlife on earth.  I can understand their efforts, and I hope they succeed in these efforts.  For without their leadership The Kingdom Of God would no longer exist.   

Linda-  It's good to know things are working out for them, Nazarene!  

Nazarene-  With their level of power, Alura, it is understandable that they are making progress.  We pray that they can make much, much more.

Linda-  We'll be back after the break!

Segment 2

Linda-  We're back!  Nazarene, I think I remember why The Mormons have such an exhaulted place in The Kingdom Of God.  But maybe You should tell our listeners why They have such a profound state of respect among other Christians in The Afterlife right now.  Are They still holding leadership positions in The Catholic Church, or have The Catholic Leaders regained the trust of Their followers?

Nazarene-  The answer to your question is, Alura, that when I was betrayed for Clinton, when so many of my precious souls were destroyed forever because they listened to the lies of mankind, The Mormons stood fast.  Not one of them took part in the betrayal.  Not one of them listened to the lies that I have lost touch with humanity and economic prosperity was all that mattered.  They stayed absolutely faithful to me!  There was not one of them that betrayed me!  While every other Christian sect there were people in it that joined in the betrayal, went out and told people to do what I did not want them to do, and gave up eternal life, lost their Souls forever and, lost their place in The Kingdom Of God.  This is why The Mormons are so exhaulted among the Christians in The Afterlife, Alura.  Because among all of their members they were the only ones that stayed absolutely loyal to me.  And the Catholic leaders have retaken their places, they have reearned the place of trust with their people.  The Mormons no longer have to fulfill these duties, which I am extremely grateful for.

Linda-  That sure is great news, Nazarene!  I remember when that stuff happened.  It was sure a scary thing!

Nazarene-  It most certainly was terrifying, Alura, and deeply sad that so many chose to destroy themselves forever, for such a foul creature of Darkness.

Linda- We'll be back next week!

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