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"Here's Jesus!"
August 8, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission.

Segment 1

Linda- This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's August 8th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!" Nazarene, I was listening to an online radio station last week and the question was asked "How can a spirit who has no material vocal chords whatsoever, project their voice onto a tape in the material world?"

Nazarene- Now, how to explain this, Alura!  Sometimes, without them realizing it, the spirits use the vocal cords of the voice of the people that are in the room without them realizing they are doing it.  This is one of the most common ways that these voices get on the tapes.  Other times They use a noise that already is in the area that people do not realize is there, and they alter this noise.  And this is how They get the voices on the tape.  Other times They vibrate objects that are in the room, and cause them to give off the sound waves that register on the tape as voices.  There is several ways for spirits to do this.  But spirits always have to have something material to manipulate, to make the sound in order for anything to come onto the tapes.  If They don't, They cannot produce the phenomena.

Linda-  Wow!  Really interesting stuff, Nazarene!  I'm glad I asked these questions after all!

Nazarene-  The way spirits try to keep the glory of God going, Alura, is always fascinating, it is always very, very fascinating!

Linda-  We'll be back after the break!

Segment 2

Linda- We're back!  Nazarene, I've heard a lot about this phenomena and wanted to ask You this question about it to get the facts!  Exactly what are orbs?  

Nazarene-  This is no great mystery, Alura!  These are simply spirit phenomena, spirits that have not completely materialized themselves.  This usually occurs when there are a lot of them in one place, and it is difficult for all of Them to materialize.  So They merely appear as spots of light.  And They are so intense that They register on photographic film, or these new kind of cameras that use no film.  But They're just spirits, Alura!   They're just ordinary phenomena that are gathered in a certain place and are energized for some reason, and very often it is a place that people think is haunted, and where people call Them, and draw them to.  So it is no great mystery, Alura!  It is phenomena that has existed for untold ages!  It's just modern technology is exposing it a little bit more, that's all!  

Linda-  Wow!  That's cool, Nazarene!  Another mystery solved!  But They look so pretty, and, so different!  

Nazarene-  As most of this phenomena is positive, Alura, they're usually always pretty.  When they're not, you'd better run!

Linda-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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