No affiliates just yet!

E-mail me if you would like to be my affie, just put 'Affie Application' in the subject line and send me your site's URL, your valid e-mail address and why you think you should be my affie. If it's possible, send me your button's HTML and I'll put it up. Oh ya, but before ya send that e-mail, please read the rules first!

1)No sites that contain violence and/or pornography!

2)There should be no swearing on your site, but if you at least keep it at a minimum level, then it's OK.

3)No clashing of backgrounds with font color. example: bright yellow font on a white background (it kills my eyes!)

4)You have to be nice to me! (don't worry, I'm not that mean! =p)

OK, those are all the rules ya need to follow, if ya do then your all set to be my affie!