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HELP! I need major help with this site! If you have moderate knowleage of HTML, like one or more of the animes on this site, and can fill one of the job openings, PLEASE DO!

lookout: searches through the web for cool layouts, HTML codes, and makes sure noone's mad at us!

media director: I was sorta' this in my old site. You find all different sorts of MulitMedia on the web, regardless if you need permission, give me the URL, and name of their site. If you do need it, MAKE SURE you get it before even telling me! Another thing, I have alot of pics I have had for along time. If you find a site with a pic I have, Tell me the pic, & URL, and I'll give them credit!

Sailor Moon confidant: Find me ANYTHING that isn't Media (Lyrics, S/M, Pics, etc.) about All the seasons of Sailor Moon!

CCS confidant: ^See above^

Hamtaro confidant: ^see above^

V.P.: Vice President; Update, talk, basicly do a little of everything!

So, do ya think you can do one or more of those jobs? E-mail ME!

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