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Hey everybody! I hope you like my new website! Check back often to see if there are any updates on anything!!

I wanna say hey to a few people:
AJ-We have become really good friends & I hope it stays that way for a long long time! Love ya girlie!***

Jasa-Even though you are my sister you are still one of my best friends in the whole world!! Love you BUNCHES!***

Jordan-I know you are my brother but that doesn't mean that I don't love you a whole bunch!!***

Tanna-Hey you crazy girl! You are one of the best cousins in the world! I love you!***

Ashley-Even though lots of miles part us I still feel like that you are w/ me all the time! Love you lots!***

I also wanna say hey to all of the Staz from the legion games...Katy, Brittany, Holly, Lindsay, Kelli, Carrie, Ben, & Aaron!!! I love ya'll!

Both the Callie's Gold & Garver!! Hey ya'll! Love you to death!!!!

OMG-Brandie~ I am soooo sorry!! How could I forget you? I love ya to death - & I love Katie & Casie just the same!!!

And last but not least...all my friends from school b/c there are too many to name!


Now for the adults:

Moma-I love you very much & I wanna thank you for always being there & loving me! I love you very very much!***

Daddy-I don't know what I would do w/o you! You are always there when I need you! I love you very very much!!!***

Janie-Thank you for all you have done for me in the past & just remember that I love you very much & always will!***

Uncle Brian-I love you & thank you for all you have done also! Love you BUNCHES!***

Tracyher-Thank you for all you do! You really don't have to do anything! Thanks!***

Randy-Hey! It's good talking to you online! I hope that you are good & we continue to think about you constantly!!!

Oh yeah...Hey LuJak!! Sry I forgot you!!! Haha!

¤*If I forgot you...I'm really sry!!Just let me know.*¤


My Caringbridge Page
Curry Studios
Digital Dreams
Jay Robinson's Caringbridge Page
