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The Julia Handbook

All you have to know about me because I'm so.....

mischievious =P

  1. I am spoiled but not materialistic
  2. I have a hat fetish
  3. I believe there is a distinct difference between having a serious problem and being a damn drama queen
  4. I prefer to go casual
  5. I do not ask for anything, but what you give, I do accept
  6. I trust dreams only as a source of motivation
  7. I choose reality over ignorance
  8. I do not answer my phone when I do not feel like talking, which is usually the case
  9. I would rather someone hate me than spend my time attempting to compromise or making them understand
  10. I am independent and stubborn - don't feel sorry for me
  11. I do not desire diamonds and pearls - what does it take? - a whole lot more
  12. I have always wanted to watch the leonoid showers on my birthday each year - but never have yet
  13. I like people with positive ambition
  14. I love to dance and I do not care what people think of how I do it
  15. I prefer pants over skirt
  16. I hate Moby just because he hates Eminem
  17. I think Christina Aguilera is damn sexy but too dirrty for me
  18. I do not spill my heart out because the world is not my diary
  19. I work on my Asian Avenue webpage only so that I can continually refresh my html knowledge
  20. I like Eminem so much because of his "you pissed me off, so screw you, go to hell, cuz I don't give a fuck" attitude
  21. I choose not to contemplate so many issues
  22. I like to live day by day
  23. I prefer to remain secluded when everyone else seems to be so caught up in each others' bullshit and social problems
  24. I prefer thongs over granny panties
  25. I think curly hair makes everyone look older
  26. I never believed in Santa
  27. I do not think that I can be a bitch enough
  28. I must learn to be more blunt
  29. I am high-maintenance but seldom do I complain about things
  30. I hate shopping and I hate peasant clothes
  31. I wish someone would just shop for me sometimes
  32. I forgive but I do not forget - not for a lifetime
  33. I like whipped cream with my jell-O - heck I like whipped cream straight from the bottle
  34. I prefer the word sneakers not tennis shoes
  35. I love everything from dirty south rap to hardcore country music
  36. I get carried away by the look, by the light in your eyes - if you know what that's from, you're so cool
  37. I live in my own world - there is usually not much that bothers me
  38. I love the song "Come Into My Dream" & "Southern Sun"
  39. I want to take ballroom dancing
  40. I grew up with no idol(s) - inspiration to live this reality comes from reality itself, only a more general reality
  41. I joined Kappa Delta Chi because of my intentions to do community service - I'm such a weirdo
  42. I do not care for the latest gossip
  43. I like whichever scary movies that make me scared of the dark and of closing my eyes in the shower for like a week
  44. I am a hound for chick flicks
  45. I love The Lord of the Rings
  46. I have pictures of sexy cars, Brad Pitt, Elijah Wood, Eminem, and Dumbo on my screen saver
  47. I would work at Starbucks fulltime just to smell the coffee all day
  48. I love to sip on tea and watch the sky
  49. I love the movie Moulin Rouge
  50. I am a perfectionist
  51. I am a neat freak but sometimes I have to crawl under clothes & junk for sleep space
  52. I drink those weird smelly herbal medications that you buy from the Chinese herbalists and cook at home
  53. I am usually not the one to volunteer to make plans for any occasion
  54. I study hard - and play hard
  55. I am addicted to music - silence can drive me insane
  56. I like ice cream - in fact I love ice cream
  57. I would like a Grande Caramel Machiatto with extra caramel, whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, 1 bag of sweet & low, 4 bags of sugar, 1 bag of brown sugar, a dash of nutmeg & cinnamon, and add a little steamed milk
  58. I like my servings colorful - make sure there are vegetables, meat/tofu, clear glasses, fruits, and whatever you can think of to embellish that colorfulness
  59. I seem like one of the few people who still drink milk daily
  60. I don't have 128372578964 purses like many girls - I am too lazy to keep changing purses - 5 convenient ones will do
  61. I hate checking my voicemail - don't leave one unless you must
  62. I do not like to concentrate
  63. I am addicted to gummi worms and chocolate
  64. I like foreign music that I do not understand
  65. I have used Cool Water for 4 years now
  66. I would like to collect Precious Moments figurines
  67. I miss having those old school tin lunch boxes with Woody Wood Pecker/I Love Lucy and all those characters that I grew up with
  68. I miss my old car
  69. I would like 2 bottles of Boones - Fuzzy Navel & Blackberry, please
  70. I like stuff with rum in it
  71. I recommend Pink Medusas and Green Skittles, if ya know what I'm talking about
  72. I love cold weather and it's snowing as I type this
  73. I do not like Dallas clubs
  74. I don't have a car right now - gettin another one by summer
  75. ...I can't think of anything else, so this is it for now
Result of Unsuccessful Use of Handbook