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Interview with Taco of Soul Sick

1. Hey Taco
aka Tony Anglo-Latin MetaL God!!-
What the Shell is up with Soul Sick?
Who all is in the band?

Well we are currently on a small break to write more material.
It is going VERY slowly…..
oh well ...that is how my band works!

The members of SS are as follows:
Ed Antone aka “JagAss Grabber” on vocals.
Jay Lyon on Guitar
Dave “Cornbread” or “Nuclear Drool” Baker on bass
And me.
2. When did you start
playing guitar ?

I started playing at age 9. My Grandparents purchased an acoustic (hondo!) guitar for me.
I started immediately learning “This ole Man”.
Tony Alaniz
aka .. " Taco "
Of Soul Sick
Any formal training ?

Yes, I spent 2 years at William Penn College studying music. Talk about a humbling experience. All those cats had
4 years of music theory in high school and I had a Mel Bay book and guitar for the practicing musician. But overall it really improved me as a player.I stared playing bass in Jazz
band then…..lol Engine Number Nine is still one of my favs!

Listen to Taco
& Soul Sick Now

on the
Loudmusic Newtwork

    3. How did Soul Sick come together ? What is in a Name ( why Soul Sick) ? Why not Sick of your "soul" ?
    Well it came from all the years I have put into music and getting kicked in the teeth every year.

    You know the drill.. get musicians together write and learn a set then poof everyone get lazy or gets complete worthless on drugs or booze.

    I was just sick of it all and wanted to do something just for fun….and that is SS is pure fun.

    I got some great players
    together and we just play what we want with no worry about getting signed or other bs like that. Not that I don’t want to
    take another shot here soon.
    All I can say is I am extremely honored by the musicians that are shopping me….so much so
    I don’t feel even close to being worthy.

4. What should we look and listen for in the near future from Soul Sick ?
A video on MTV?

All I can say is this will be nothing like what we have done before.

The Flatbed truck tour?
Funny you should say that. We have been getting really bored of the lame shows lately that are suppose to be huge and only have the same 20 people there.
It is so bad that I don’t even go out much anymore. I just go to see the bands that treat my band well. Fuck the rest of the slop.

5. Favorite cover song to play?


6. Snap your fingers not your neck (who wrote that one?)

That was Prong baby. I wish it was my song!
7. What where some of your favorite gigs (story time) ?

One show always sticks out in my mind. Deadfront, slipknot, bocca saint, smackdab,
need I say more? It was just sickness.6.

8. What other bands have you been in ..(please list them all) any pics?.

Double Cross , Street Justice, Back to Back,
Nobody you Know, Scary Hairy, Psychic Bambi , Wor Diks (read it backwords) |
Nasty Granny, Sludge , Freekshow (no not the former Stone Sour),
John Beer (First band with Cornbread),
Bocca Saint, Godkillgod, Devil with Cheese,
Soul Sick, & Calous ( lifetime honorary membership ).

There are many other bands I would fill in for on the road but I just listed the main bands.

9. What would be your dream band if you could picks members?

Well I was on in my dream band on many occasions….It just seems to always get messed up.
But if I had to pick from the world it would be as follows.

Vocals-Jamey Jasta (Hatebreed)
Bass-Robert Trujillo
(Suicidal Tendancys/ Infectious Grooves…not that metallica bs)
Drums-Chris Adler (Lamb of god)
Programming - David Reilly
And of Course Me ..

Chris Adler - Lamb of God

  8. What do you listen for in a good tune - any keys to how you write ?

Just ask anyone who has played with me, I am NOT a jam writer. It is always me and a drummer. Nothing drives me more crazy than sitting with other musicians trying to write a song. I think a song should come from the heart. Bring it in to the band present it and then let the different musicians add their style. Bingo song. And I am not saying I have to write the songs I just don’t like constand noise and fucking around

How many songs have you wrote.

Last count has it at 100 or so.
9. What are your influences ... any that you feel are too often overlooked ?

Eldon Fisher from Crash Alley. He was the smoothest guitar player in the scene back in the mid 90’s. I remember one time he gave a pointer that sticks with me to this day. You can’t change people but you can change people. That is you can’t change the personality of a musician but you can get a new guy. LOL. Love that one.

10 . Who’s the biggest rock star you got to jam with or met?

I guess that would be technically Corey Taylor as I auditioned for Stone Sour back in 97 or so. But as far as guys I looked up to when I was growing up meeting Rob Halford was pretty cool. It was when he was playing with Fight up Cedar Rapids.

Last time you signed a autograph "taco"

Every time somebody asks. I tell you it still gets me as I am nobody.

Crash Alley

Jamie Jasta
13. Ok give your "best of " senerios : Feel free to comment or chose a couple :

Riff Writer : Come on man it has to be Dimebag.
Crazy Speed guitar soloist : Paul Gilbert bar none. He is accurate.
Guitar Sound Guru : That would be mr. prong to you sir.
Producer : Rick Ruben
Writing Duo : The god lives underwater team
Lyicist : Jamie Jasta or Trent Reznor
Singer : Jamie Jasta
Metal Bassist : Robert Trillio
Accustic Guitar Maniac : Ed
Female Fronted Band : DORO!
Gets no Respect – LIFE SEX DEATH

10. Why Cornbread ?

Well when I first met him he was a telemarketer at the same place I worked. He couldn’t sell for shit. So I started calling him Cornbread because of his totally banality on the phone. LOL poor guy.

11.Soul Sick .. What don't we know about them we should ?

Jay- He may seem all quiet and cool but man he can just explode on you. It is actually sort of scary! You will be just sitting there and poof shit starts breaking. You look for the source and you will see Jay just standing there with squinty grin. It just cracks me up

Greg- You will never meet a guy that says “can’t” as much as that guy. He will bitch and moan about stuff and then just pull it all together at the end. Greg really should be playing drums professionally and not building tires. Life is cruel sometimes.

Dave- One thing that people always say about Dave is how much of an ass he can be. His dirty secret is that he just loves to see peoples reaction to him. He will bend over backwards to help you and then dump a beer on you.

Ed- He is actually the nicest guy in the world. It is sort of weird considering the types you meet in this business. Hey how many people do you know that drive 4 hours for practice?

11. What’s the best part of playing in Des Moines and the Midwest

The people. No matter how much I play in DSM I am always glad to talk to the crowd. I can’t say the same for other cities.

12. What’s the worst?

The whole I can only like one band syndrome. It drives me crazy. This isn’t sex people this is rock. You can support more than one band.

15. ok how many guitars do you have?

I will leave out all the crud and list my favs. 2003 custom shop fender strat 1997 Gibson Les Paul 1990 Ibanez 550 2000 Ibanez Prestige 2001 Ibanez Prestige 1983 Ibanez Destroye

whats in your quiver~ as is Bass?

I just have a poopy Epiphone 5 string bass that I adore. It is beat and sounds huge.

13. Any particular favorites in your Axe collection - crazy stories to go with them ...

That would be the Ibanez 550.
I broke it in my keyboard player’s ass in Bocca Saint. I still don’t know exactly how it happened but I was giving him a kerr jam of love to get him out of the way and it just snapped. Cornbread was on the floor laughing at me.

6 & 12string?

Uhh yeah all my guitars are 6 strings.
Double neck?

14.What’s the one effect that you gotta have to make it sound right..
(the cable, a pick. a strap)

You have to have a strong right hand. Too many guitar player rely on their amp for all of the crunch. You got to earn that shit to make it sound right dude!
16. Who ought just quit and join another reality show ?

Will somebody stop Metallica? HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. James needs to get back on the booze so we can get another master of puppets.

What the most disappointing big name live band you have ever seen ?

Chevelle it was like watching yourself in a mirror getting a hard-on and then stabbing your eyes with sticks to stop it.

Who surprised the shit out of you ?

Static-X the first time I saw them at the supertoad. I didn’t even know who the hell they were.

17. Ok the word asssociation thing.
(I'll go 1st)

Soul Sick = SICK enuff said!
Calous =Friends
OAPH = Aloof
Facecage = improved
Slipknot = surprised
Stone Sour = underdog
Corey = benevolent
Full Blown Choas = close
Sixpasthell = clever
Godforbid =interesting
VI= amazing
Gingerjake= mallrat
Devil4chesse= crack
Donnie (Killpack)= leader
Amber Lynn = perfect
RH69 = almost
HOB= clickish
Solos = fast
Myspace= sex
Metal Fest = success
Celladoor = signed
Suzy hotlicks = sexy
STARS4IOWA= endurance
Lewis (LOL) = pornstar

Raz & Soul Sick Dancers

18. What locals do you think are doing good stuff ?

I think Violent Impact could make a dent if they keep on trying. You can’t get complacient. Screaming Jay will do even greater things if you give him time.

Any local musicians that have been a big influence
in your life ?

Aaron from OAPH is one of those guys I look up
to for the simple fact he stays out of the BS in the scene. Gets up there and rocks. I sure do wish he would add a little more deadfront back in to his style again.

19. I feel that their is still something in you that you havent done. would that be a harder style HC band like lamb of god, have you never been a real speed metal band or death metal band and ever think of forming one? on the side?

Well I haven’t been in a death metal band but I have been some heavier projects. Godkillgod was suppose to be hard as hell but it got diluted by a lack of key players. Many people want me to put together a heavier project to counter the weaker “fake” metal bands that are here in town. As I said earlier something has got to give here soon as I am really pissed off right now. Don’ worry you will know what is up.

What do You think ....

Taco Rock !



20. Anyone you want thank ppl, clubs, websites, bands.

Well of course the scene is always amazing to my bands and I wanted to thank all the fans that come out every time. You are the ones that make this a great time. Pat & Lewis thanks for keeping the page up and all the hard work you do. It really makes it fun to be a part of it all. Hairy Marys for continuing great times. HOB for all the interesting controversy you through my way. Roadhouse 69 please reopen next to the Den in Des Moines. Props to Violent Impact, Killpact, Cassandra’s Disease, Velcro Cherry, OAPH, Calous, WFTF, Vise Grip, Odium and MK Ultra.

Oh yeah. Corey Brown get off your ass and start playing heavy music again you lazy fucker.

Thanks for kickin so much ass


Rock On .. Lewis & Patrick