Past Victim : Chris Watland of Slaughter House 6 - Oct 2004

1. How Did Slaughter House 6
come together and who is in the band.

Slaughterhouse6 first formed in the Winter of '03, when a group of 3 kids in a japanese class (myself, Josh Skrdlant, Michael Rogowski), all decided to create a ska band, since we all enjoyed listening to ska. We needed a bass player, so we asked East High schoolmate Dustin Harmsen to join the band, and boy oh boy did he have a lot of talent. He can play basically every instrument. Then we decided to get a trombone in the mix: Ryan Stubbs. My friend Matt Norton took on the vocals, but not for long.

Now the original 6 was set: Josh Skrdlant on guitar, Matt Norton on vocals, Mike Rogowski on Saxophone, Dustin Harmsen on Bass, Ryan Stubbs with Trombone, and Myself playing drums for the 6.

Chris Watland

Vocalist Of Slaughter House 6

  Changes came along, like Josh quitting the band on us, for example. We then replaced him with my brother, "Action Dan" Watland, who is still rocking out on guitar with us to this very day. We cycled through at least 3 vocalists as well, until they finally moved me to vocals, and got our good friend Kenny Halstead on drums. Talented players joined into the mix, such as Derek Collins on trombone, Justin Cox on trumpet, and Derek Lambert on second guitar. The rest is just history. Chris Watland: Vocals
Dustin Harmsen: Bass
Dan Watland: Guitar
Ryan Stubbs: Trombone
Derek Collins: Trombone
Mike Rogowski: Alto Sax
Kenny Halstead: Drumz
Derek Lambert: Guitar

And there you have it, 8 kids playing their hearts out
2 . Where did the Name come from ?

Originally, it was our old guitar player who came up with the name. He thought it would be cool to call us Slaughterhouse666, which I thought was completely stupid as hell, since 666 doesn't fit at all with ska. Once we had the first 6, we found it coincedential to just stick with 6.

I think he got the idea from the book, Slaughterhouse5, by Kurt Vonnegut. The name just stuck though.
3. What are your musical influences ?

I'm completely into ska and old punk. Bands such as Rx Bandits, Reel Big Fish, Goldfinger, Rancid.
4) You recently won battle of the bands @ the House of Bricks (Congrats).
What do you think was the key to your success?

We practiced day and night getting the horn lines down. We made sure we had a LOT of stage presence. It helps when you put on a visual show, along with a music show.

5. Do you have recording plans in the near future ?
What past projects do you have if applies..?
Interview With Chris Watland of
Slaughter House 6
We recorded once at a friend's studio( Smoking Gun's), and it came out pretty well, even though we thought we could do better afterwards.

This winter we are thinking of releasing a new LP with the recording time we won at Band Brawl.

6. The music industry is kinda brutal .. are you guys all dedicated to making this permenent work ..or is it more of a fun gig for now but will change when people go to college , seek long term relationships , pursue careers?
Plain and simple: We want to take this all the way, to the top.  

  • 7. Speaking of the music industry ...who should give it up and call it a day ?

  • 8. Any reunions you would like to see ? Any classic rock acts you really like ?
  • Can't think of any at the time, I'd like to see Nirvana have a reunion show. (sorry, ongoing joke.) I hear that Aerosmith puts on a good show.

  • 9. Name a band you like..
    .. . that all your friends think sucks ?

    Disturbed. Man, they are going to make fun of me.

10. What is the best gig you have done to date ?

May 28th, School's out show. We tore the shit out of the Vaudeville Mews that night. Stage diving, dancing, and just everyone going crazy: The way a show should be.

11. What is the worst ...
or any horror story about just getting it all done and ready to roll ?

Man, I don't really get this question. All I know is that we always leave something behind at shows, sometimes at least.

12. I noticed you guys are pretty rowdy on stage any body ever get hurt ...or equipment messed up ?

Nah, nothing usually gets too messed up. We don't try to get too rowdy, just fun. Nothing better than seeing a whole band up on stage having a great time.

" Action Dan For President "
Keep reading ...

Kenny on Drums

Dustin (left ) doing da Boogie Man

13. What is in your CD player or on your IPod ?
What's the last book you read ?

Currently listening to Rx Bandits. Currently reading "A Clockwork Orage". Good book.

14. If you guys had your way with things this band would be ....? (finnish sentence)

...Too awesome for words to explain.

15. Word Association time :

School = Waste
Sex = Butt
Mighty Mighty = Bosstones
Ska = Head
Dustin = stupid bitch
Chris = hair
Halloween = punkins
King = Tut
House of = ska
Kenny = fleas
Slaughter = fleas
Stubbs = a lot of fleas
Britney = pretty

16. Who do you think the world ignores as a great are at least really good band , musicain or songwriter ?

Jessica Simpson, she has a beautiful voice, and is really good at using it.

17. Do your parents support your music endevours... do others in your family(s) play?

My parents are huge supporters of us. So is the rest of the band members' families. Friends continue going to shows, as do the band member's girlfriends.

18. Whats the best thing about living in Des Moines ? Everything. I love everything about Des Moines.

There is always something to do, as long as you have time to look for it.

19. Whats the worst ?

Sometimes the weather.

20. So did you guys plan on having nine members just like another succesful Des Moines act ?
Any meaning to the SH6 nicknames... why Jeebus, Stubbs and Hoops ?

It's down to 8 now though... So it isn't all the same... Jeebus had the nickname all through his high school career. Stubbs, because it is his last name. Hoops, because his last name was Hooper, and i found it easier to shorten his name

Dustin (Left) Chris (Right)

The Crowd Cheers as Bob (Manager)
introduces the Band
21. Who should run for president beside these two we have ?
Any political causes you guys all support ?

Action Dan has continually tried running for president, but failed. None of us try to get too political, or we start to fight.

Anything you would like to plug before this ends ?

Be on the lookout for our new CD getting released early on in '05.

No website up as of yet but soon we will have a great one up.
We are currently planning a tour, but not too much on that as of now.

Ok we will add this for you : Slaughterhouse 6 site on Pure Volume
Officail Site under Construction

Derek Lambert: Guitar
Thanks you for doing the Interview Chris !
Have a Happy Halloween

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