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This Months Victim - Jason Boggs

    1. How did Resurrection Mary start?

    The impetus of Resurrection Mary began when BJ Conway and I parted ways with our
    old band, Monkey Proof,
    where we had met. We were dissatisfied with the musical direction and lack of progress the band was making, so we decided to start our own
    project. We spent the summer of 2005 auditioning myriad singers and guitar players. It was a nightmare! We didn’t want screaming, growling vocals or drop-tuned guitars. We wanted dirty, fuzzy, fried rock and roll!

    It was a challenge to find the right players. I had Tony Walker in mind
    the whole time for this project. I jammed with him a few
    years previous, and knew he had the chops we needed.
    He was in a band called
    Primal Coalition, who had broken up not long before.
    I kept leaving messages for him, and he finally came over to listen to what we were working on. The third element! Our friendship goes all the
    way back to Grand View College, where we were students.Currently our singer is
    Jeremy Ober, who is an extremely talented musician. Jeremy brings a unique color
    to the sonic canvas we are trying to paint. He also plays guitar and sings for The Brutal Republic. Incredible stuff!! We parted ways with our former singer Robbie, who left to con- centrate on a career in Country music. We wish him the best
    of luck.



Jason Boggs

Of Resurection Mary

    2.  So what is the significance of the name?


    The name “Resurrection Mary” pertains to an old Chicago ghost story. The story goes that back in the 1930’s, a woman named Mary was
    struck and killed by a car on her way home from the
    O’Heny Ballroom. People
    have allegedly seen and encountered her ghost walking up Archer Avenue, where it is reported that she disappears into a cemetery named “Resurrection”.

    Taxi drivers, policemen, and other assorted witnesses have reported the apparition of a white, spectral lady over the past seventy years. When
    I was a kid, I saw an
    “Unsolved Mysteries” episode about this legend, which you can find on our myspace page.

    I thought it would be a great name for the band, and the guys agreed. I have always been intrigued by the paranormal

    3.What is new with the band?

    We are currently writing new material and hope to get a
    solid sounding CD into the hands of our fans. Some radio play wouldn’t hurt either.

4.  How did “Boggs’ Bash” start? Are they still on? ?

Boggs’ Bash was an idea that Rita Mott, previous owner of the Hull Avenue Tavern, came up with. I had a birthday party that was the litmus test for this at the Hull Avenue Tavern. We booked Calous, Jimi Pig and Devil With Cheese to play. It was packed! So we decided to book another show that featured three local bands. It was an attempt to further the local music scene by creating another venue for bands to play. The Hull Avenue Tavern was booking almost entirely cover bands, so we were doing this once a month, on the last Saturday of the month. The bands were paid a guaranteed sum and expected to promote the show. It worked out great! We have had a significant number of local acts play that stage. In my opinion, we created an additional venue, or as Dirk would say, another room to play in. We are still doing Boggs’ Bash, though after a hiatus because of a few neighbors. The irony is that the woman who calls the police about the “noise” lives in the house that I grew up in! She needs to do some yard work and mind her own business! Ken and Melissa are still supporting local music. Everyone should stop by and thank them.

5. So, if we bring a bunch of Beatles, you guys will jam on top of ZZZ Records?

If we could convince Brad to let us up there to play, I am in! He claims access to the roof is limited. I want to disturb the peace of the East Village! Frighten the soccer moms! Maybe the cops could drag off BJ behind his drum kit. Maybe Tony would take his shirt off? He is Chewbacca, you know? It would make for great press.

Brad Hamilton owns building at 424 East Locast
Home to ZZZ Records and That Shop



    6. When did you start playing music/guitar? ?

    I took piano lessons in second grade, though I didn’t stick with them. I became interested in playing the guitar at fourteen, after a friend of mine had purchased one. We used to go into Professional Music and mess around on their equipment. We were awful! I used to sit and noodle on all my friends’ guitars, and occasionally play my dad’s bass that was tucked away in the basement. I never owned my own guitar until I was nineteen, which seems almost too old to start playing! I still have my first guitar, which is an 80’s Gibson Epiphone S210, strat style body. It has a Floyd Rose locking Tremolo and hockey stick headstock. Bleh. But it is my first guitar, which has blossomed into a collection of 37. I am an addict.

Led Zeppelin


7.Who were your early influences?

The reason I ever picked up a guitar was Jimmy Page. He is the primary reason I am playing a Les Paul through a Marshall full stack. I used to sit in my bedroom for hours and listen to Led Zeppelin. They remain a constant inspiration. I am also a huge fan of Ritchie Blackmore’s work in Deep Purple. I used to listen to this cassette tape my dad ordered from Columbia House Record Club years ago. One side had Deep Purple “Machine Head” on it, and the other side had “Who Do We Think We Are?”. This is what catapulted me into the world of guitar. God bless the minor pentatonic scale!


8. Your father played locally. Tell us about him?

My father played bass guitar in a local Des Moines band in the late 1960’s called “The Plastic Mushrooms”. They later changed their name to “The Wild Cherries”, and enjoyed a good local following. He was still in high school when they recorded several 45s, which were distributed nationally on the Kapp record label. One of their songs was played on American Bandstand, on the “make it or break it” segment. Fate didn’t intervene, and he kept playing locally up until after I was born. I think he played about everywhere in town in those days, and probably made good money too. I have been able to track down a lot of his band’s 45s on eBay. I have bought them from all over the country, even in different parts of the world. It’s good stuff!

  • 9. Did you ever take lessons? What is your musical background?

    I never took any formal guitar lessons. I had a Mel Bay VHS tape called, “Anyone Can Play The Guitar”. During my sophomore year in college, I broke my ankle and couldn’t walk. I watched this tape for hours a day until I had all my chords down. Guitar was, and still is, a daily learning process. I enjoy watching and listening to other guitar players. I would encourage anyone that is interested in playing the guitar to take lessons. I feel it is easier to be steered into the right direction rather than self-discovery. But who knows?


TACO ( left ) formerly of Soul Sick & Jason Boggs

10)  What national acts do you like today? Locals?

  • I tend to favor the club shows and smaller venue stuff. I have seen Dick Dale play Gabe’s in Iowa City a few times and he is phenomenal! That’s who I want to be when I grow up! A cool old cat shredding on a guitar in front of a crowd. The guy just turned seventy! Dude! Of course, Paul McCartney is one of my heroes! I stood in line for seven hours to get those tix! Phenomenal and God-like, he is a Beatle after all. There are a lot of local bands I dig. Some of my favorites are Ephraim Zenh, Blue Ribbon Beef, Slopsycle, Tyler Thompson Band, Soul Sick- who isn’t playing anymore!, Sherman Hillside Stranglers- who should come out of retirement, Brutal Republic and many more. We are fortunate that we have a diverse music scene here in Des Moines.


11.  “Last year you did an Iowa State Fair Show- none this year? What was the deal?”

11.  “Last year you did an Iowa State Fair Show- none this year? What was the deal?”

We certainly weren’t going to hold the show at The Depot again this year. Although the show was a major success and a precedent for local music, Brad and I weren’t satisfied on the location and time we were offered for this year’s show. So we opted to pass on booking a show this year. We are proud for what we accomplished, which is exposing a segment of bands who write and perform original music to a mass audience. Last year’s show was held on the last Sunday of the fair, which turned out to be a record-breaking attendance night. While we played, Joan Jett was rocking out. Lots of people stopped and listened to the music that was coming out of the Depot.

12. What was the best show- craziest -you have ever done?

I think it would have to be playing the Depot. We played as an instrumental act that night, which actually allowed us to show off our music a bit more. Certain staff at The Depot were not into what we were doing that night. The Depot has traditionally been an oldies venue that plays music from the 50’s and 60’s, so you can imagine some of the older staff was not conducive to what we were doing. We had all these people hanging around the Depot watching us play as the traditional Depot staff stood horrified. I played my ass off that night! What a strange vibe!

Ty plays the bass with the devil horns sign ..wooo
Resurrection Mary

FLYING V SOLO - Jason Boggs


13. Any horror stories for gigs come to mind? 

We played a show at the Vaudeville Mews in January on a cold, forty below zero frigid night. It was barely attended, despite all the bands efforts to promote it. Some nights you can’t get people to leave the house. We hauled our gear through iced alleyways and cold air, and began setting up for our set. We were the last band to play that night, and the door girl walked up to me with the take from the door. She handed me fifteen dollars, which was the lion’s share from the door, and explained that they had paid the staff’s wages from the door money and divided what was left over for the bands. The other three bands received five dollars each. I was stunned. I learned a lesson in band economics.

14. You also are an illustration artist-any work that you are particularly proud of?”

I am using my Photoshop skills that were impressed upon me in college to make our band posters, fliers, and shirts. I was a comic book junkie growing up, and wanted to bring that influence to the band. I am using 1950’s comic covers and incorporating the horrific, shocking ironic tale to sell our band. I hope it is working. I am also largely influenced by Frank Kozic’s artwork, particularly his graphics for his former record label, Man’s Ruin. Hairy Mary’s used to have some cool Kozik art on their walls, as well as some cool Coop stuff.

15. Do you think that art influences your music-or vice versa? Should live music be performance art or just music? In your opinion, which artists have done great things with Art and Music?”

I would love to be able to manipulate the audience through visual stimulation in addition to playing music. I think that is the secret wish all musicians have. But the minute it happens, does music take a backseat to entertainment? KISS is one of the best live shows I have seen. When that curtain drops, they aren’t just four guys on stage playing instruments. They are comic book heroes come to life! But they aren’t exactly Steely Dan, either. Performance is subjective. I can’t imagine Slipknot without their stage show. It is incredibly intense, and it works. I think I have always been drawn to bands that have a stage show, who straddle the line of performance art/music concert. I think we all know the individual quality of what we like. I couldn’t imagine having to listen to the Grateful Dead play a show.

16. What films have had an impact, influence on you? Why and how?”  

I think the greatest rock film ever is The Buddy Holly Story. Not only does Gary Busey convince you he is Buddy, he plays and sings the songs! I also think “Almost Famous” ranks right up there. The actors are playing the songs for the most part, and Crowe nails I have always been critical of “music” movies. It has to be convincing.

18. Do you find reading as an inspiration to writing music and art? What is the last book you read?

The more I dissect songwriting as a process, the more I realize the importance of inspiration in the arts. I have had a bout of writer’s block for years, and can never seem to put pen to paper and write lyrics. I expect everything to be Shakespeare, and intellectual and cryptic. I have to stop thinking like that. The Beatles wrote a song called Obla Di Obla Da. That’s genius!

The book that never leaves my sight, and is my bible, is Howard Zinn’s “People’s History of the United States”. Mind blowing.



19. What about your guitar rig? Theremin- favorite Axe Story?

My rig is my baby! I run a Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 100 through two Marshall cabinets. The top cab is loaded with Celestion Vintage 30’s, while the bottom cabinet has Celestion Greenbacks. The only effect that I am using besides the dirty Marshall gain is a Buddah wah pedal. It has a true analog bypass and is assembled with Fasel components like the old Vox pedals. I am pretty happy with my sound. The theremin hasn’t made an appearance yet, but I am planning something grandiose. My favorite guitar is probably my sunburst Les Paul Standard, though I picked up a 1973 Les Paul Standard in Brainerd, Minnesota last year. It’s a Kalamazoo Gibson and has a pretty cool sound!


Iowa State Fair - The Depote

Resurrection Mary @ Hairy Mary's

20. What are your thoughts on the current music scene in Des Moines? How can it improve?

I think that the scene is ripe with incredibly talented and creative musicians, a pendulum of various genres and tastes. The more bands work together instead of against each other, the better the scene will be. I think the DMMC is trying to do good things, but their philosophy is shortsighted. Instead of focusing on booking a showcase at a rented hall, which is what bands have been doing in this city for years, they could use their collective bargaining power to influence the bigger venues to have local bands open up for the bigger shows. Something a bit more progressive than what they are doing. The scene has existed without any government subsidized organization, and will continue without it.

21. What act do you praise as great musical artist that no one seems to understand.

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. I hear it is a favorite of Nate’s at ZZZ records.



22. What other things did we forget to ask that we should have thought of

My favorite color is blue. I’m a Pisces and I love cold Miller High Life .

23. Has the battle van been replaced?”

I have a new battle van. It doesn’t have the speed of the old one, but it looks nicer. And it hauls all our gear! And the windows roll up.

24. The best thing about 2007 is ?

The band sounds great! And, I bought a Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide! My neighbors have to tolerate band practice and loud exhaust!


24. The best thing about 2008 will be ?

It’s the year of Resurrection Mary!!!!

25. Have you fine tuned that telekinesis to play the guitar from across a room yet?

No, but I can throw a guitar pick 50 feet!

2666. Anything you would like to add, promote, or tell people?

Go out and support local music! We need more interest in “homegrown” talent. And be sure to drop by our myspace at www.myspace.com/resurrectionmary13
and leave us a comment, or a joke, or a compromising photograph! We appreciate everyone who supports us, and who supports local music.


Thank you Mr. Boggs- you’re a true asset and a leader in the Des Moines Music scene !


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