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Hit The Lights Before You Leave

Well, I said I couldn't make a website, and this is the closest thing to that.The crappiest shittiest-do-it-yourself, pat-yourself on the back webpage, with no real point. Welcome.

This Little piece of internet waste of space is brought to you by me, Amanda,17-year-old ,Michigan-Bound, unemployed, nothing better to do, so why not make a website about absolutely nothing, Bowman.
Imagine..My Likes and Dislikes..
*Sega/*Simpson board games/*laughing/*being odd/*funny quotes/*good song lyrics/*buttons/socks/*my bed and my pillows/*Baby blankie/*Zora/*cats/*court tv/*discovery channel/*comfy/*hoodies/*pj pants/*t-shirts/*Hanson/*cuddling/*dreaming/*writing/*drawing/*cartoons/*candy/*chinese food/*my shoes/*movies/*Fight Club/*Mallrats/*Boys Don't Cry/*Tom Hanks/*Stephen King/*fans/*air conditioning/*clinque happy/*screaming/*swearing/*junk food/*carrots/*hamsters/*music/*Taking back sunday/*greenday/*the juliana theory/*saves the day/*Something Corporate/*Brand new/*Dashboard Confessional/*MxPx/*Midtown/*Weezer/*The Used/*New Found Glory/*Pictures/*Impressions/*Stand up comedy/*Mandy Moore/*Roseanne/*Laughing until I cry/*Zora's eyes/*walking/*SNL/*Cock of the Rock/*Anywhere but here/*My grandpa Buick/*Joe Pesci/*rollypollies/*lighting bugs/*My 3 year-old niece Sam, who is cooler than most adults/*coloring/*Mail/*Sarcasim*
x/alarm clocks/x Telemarketers/x Guys who wear bleached pants/xMTV's TRL and it's VJs/xWisdom Teeth/xPMS/xLabels/xPeople who over-dramatize everything.The Good and bad/xFake/xMath/xPeople who think they own a certain band or type of music, and if anyone else listens to it, then they suck, but if anyone hates it, they still suck/xBees/xPuke/xMy moms boyfriend/xDrunks/xDrugs/xIlliterate/xGuys who swear that one night with them will turn me straight/xPeople who can't take jokes/xSoccer Moms/xHives/xshots/xBeing alonexX

Caution: These Blue Eyes May Kill You
I'm a Sucker For Lyrics and Quotes ..The Kind You Wish You Would Have Wrote
Randomness...just click
I Am Amanda's Pointless Journal
