Use the two codes below to make a transparent iframe for your site! This code goes on the webpage that you want the frame (or frames) on. This code will be one frame, 2 of this code will be 2 frames, etc. Only change the things that are between the **'s. <iframe frameborder="0" border=0 width=*# goes here* height=*# goes here* src="*The url that you want to be in the frame goes here!*" name=*Name of the frame goes here* style="position:absolute; top:*# goes here*; left:*# goes here*" scrolling=yes allowtransparency="true"> </iframe> This code goes on every webpage that you want to be transparent (every webpage that is going in the frame). <style type="text/css"> body {background-color:#FFFFFF; filter: alpha(opacity=70)} </style>

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