Making friends is a skill that can be developed. The following suggestions will help you:

1. Behave as if you want friends. Look open and approachable. Smile and make eye contact. Don't appear aloof or depressed.
2. Pay attention to people who talk to you. Look interested. Listen to what others are saying. Watch their body movements and facial expressions.
3. Be genuinely interested in others as people. Use your natural curiosity about others to learn what makes them tick. Show your interest by asking questions.
4. Always give others the opportunity to participate in a conversation. Don't monopolize the discussion.
5. Look directly at the person you are speaking with and nod occasionally while listening.
6. Don't interrupt.
7. Don't try to make yourself look good at someone else's expense.
8. Don't minimize others' accomplishments or abilities. Give credit where credit is due.
9. Don't boast of your own achievements. Actions speak louder than words.
10. Don't use flattery to get in with others. People know when you are being fake.
11. Respect others as individuals, and expect respect in return.
12. Don't gossip or listen to someone who does. If you don't feel like defending the person who is being talked about, change the subject or walk away. Assure there are two sides to every story.
13. Always follow the Golden Rule. If you treat others as you would like to be treated, you will never have to worry wheter or not people like you.
14. Be yourself. Do activities that are fun to you, not just for those that you think popular people do. Get good at the things you enjoy, not just those that are cool to others.
15. Be an independent thinker. No one want to be freidns with people who don't have a mind of their own.
16. Always beieve in yourself. The best way to attract people is to have faith in yourself. When you feel good about youself, you send out the message, "I have a lot going for me."

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